alarge, Australiancrayfish(= ananimalwith alongbodycoveredwith a hardshell, twolargeclaws, and eightlegsthatlivesinrivers), oritsflesheatenasfood:
Poach a marron,slice, andservealong withcrisppancetta,slicedtomatoes,coslettuce, andmayo.
Highlynutritionalwith auniqueflavour, the marron arebestservedwithsaladandmayonnaise.
Thisrich,deliciousstockcan be made with marron or othershellfish.
- Add theprawnshellsand two marronhalves.
Fish & seafood
- abalone
- albacore
- American shad
- barramundi
- bay scallop
- court bouillon
- crab
- crabmeat
- crappie
- crawdad
- gravadlax
- gravlax
- grouper
- hard-shell clam
- hoki
- roe
- saltfish
- sashimi
- scampi
- sea bass
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sea creatures
asweetchestnut(= alarge,brownnutthat is oftencookedandeaten):
The one thing I can’tresistwhen I’m inParisare the marroncrepes.
Frenchpuréedmarrons arelovely, but very, verysweet.
See also
marron glacé
- Thecrepeswerefreshlymade,hotoff thepan,filledwithsweet,lovelycreme de marron.
- The marrons arepresentedin verysmartgifttins.
Types of edible nut
- almond
- Brazil nut
- cashew
- chestnut
- cobnut
- filbert
- goober
- groundnut
- hazelnut
- hickory
- Jordan almond
- macadamia
- marron glacé
- monkey nut
- nut
- pecan
- pistachio
- walnut