margin of error
uk/ˌmɑː.dʒɪn əv ˈer.ər/us/ˌmɑːr.dʒɪn əv ˈer.ɚ/C2
anextraamountof something, such astimeormoney, that youallowbecause there might be amistakeinyourcalculations:
(时间、金钱等方面的)误差幅度,误差数Whenarchaeologistsdateobjectsthat are thousands ofyearsold, theyallowamarginoferrorof several hundredyears.考古学家在测定有数千年历史的物体的年代时,会允许有几百年的误差。
The Britishgovernmentestimatesthatitsborrowingrequirementthisyearcouldreach£150billion,subjectto awidemarginoferror.政府预计今年借款将达1500亿英镑,此数额会有较大误差。
Also, extra, and in addition
- added
- additional
- additionally
- again
- along
- et al.
- et cetera
- etc.
- excess
- filler
- hand
- rate
- same
- second
- secondly
- side
- suchlike
- supernumerary
- thirdly
- touch