(alsononHispanic)uk/ˌnɒn.hɪˈspæn.ɪk/us/ˌnɑːn.hɪˈspæn.ɪk/not from orconnectedwith Spanish-speakingcountries,especiallythose inLatinAmerica, or not havingparentsorgrandparentsfrom thesecountries:
Non-Hispanicwhitepeoplemake up 80% of thepopulation.
Agrowingnumberof non-Hispanicbusinesseshaveintegratedthemselves into theLatinocommunity.
- The non-Hispanicpopulationof thecityhaveembracedHispanicculture.
- She hassuccessfullymade thecrossoverand now alsoappealsto a non-Hispanicaudience.
- He was the first non-Hispanicmanagerto beappointed.
Countries, nationalities & continents: nationalities
- Afghan
- Albanian
- Algerian
- an
- Andorran
- Gibraltarian
- Greenlander
- Greenlandic
- Grenadian
- Guatemalan
- non-Russian
- North American
- North Korean
- Northern Irish
- Vincentian
- Welshman
- Welshwoman
- Yemeni
- Yugoslav
(alsononHispanic)uk/ˌnɒn.hɪˈspæn.ɪk/us/ˌnɑːn.hɪˈspæn.ɪk/apersonwho is not from, or whoseparentsandgrandparentsare not from, a Spanish-speakingcountry,especiallyone inLatinAmerica:
TheissuesfacingtheHispaniccommunityare alsoissuesfor non-Hispanics.
Thedecisiontoappointa non-Hispanic wasseenascontroversial.
- Thecompanysometimes uses a differentstrategyformarketingthe sameproductsto Hispanics and non-Hispanics.
- Whitenon-Hispanics make up themajorityof theteachingstaff.
Countries, nationalities & continents: nationalities
- Afghan
- Albanian
- Algerian
- an
- Andorran
- Gibraltarian
- Greenlander
- Greenlandic
- Grenadian
- Guatemalan
- non-Russian
- North American
- North Korean
- Northern Irish
- Vincentian
- Welshman
- Welshwoman
- Yemeni
- Yugoslav