grain, usuallybarley, that has beenleftinwateruntil itstartstogrowand is thendried. It is used in the making ofalcoholicdrinkssuch asbeerandwhisky
- amaranth
- arborio
- arborio rice
- barley
- basmati
- cottonseed
- dent corn
- durum wheat
- einkorn
- emmer
- Indian corn
- kasha
- long-grain rice
- maize
- mielie
- rice
- rolled oats
- rye
- semolina
- short-grain rice
[CorU](alsomalt whisky)
whiskymade using maltratherthanordinarygrain
adrinkmade from malt,icecream, andmilk
loooby/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Spirits & distilling
- absinthe
- amaretto
- applejack
- benedictine
- bitter
- cognac
- cordial
- creme
- crème de menthe
- curaçao
- hard seltzer
- hooch
- kirsch
- liqueur
- malt whisky
- schnapps
- sloe gin
- small-batch
- spirit
- toddy
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Soft drinks
uk/mɒlt/us/mɑːlt/toleavegraininwateruntil itstartstogrow, and thendryit to use inflouror inalcoholicdrinkssuch asbeerandwhisky:
Thegraincan be maltedimmediatelyaftercropharvest.
Maltwhiskyis madeexclusivelyfrombarleythat has been malted.
- In the firststagethegrainis malted, either bycausingit togerminateor byartificialmeans.
- Maltinggrainproducesenzymesthatconvertstarchesin thegrainintosugars.
- Barley is malted by thetraditionalmethodofsteepingit and thenspreadingit onfloors.
Preparing food
- batch cooking
- biga
- bind
- butter
- buttered
- can't boil an eggidiom
- clarify
- glaze
- glazed
- grate
- ingredient
- jerk
- re-season
- recipe
- rehydrate
- restuff
- rice
- toss
- whip
- zap