market noun [C] (BUYING AND SELLING )
C1 thepeoplewho mightwanttobuysomething, or apartof theworldwhere something issold:
买方;市场 Are yousurethere's a marketfor theproduct? 你肯定这种产品有市场吗?
Weestimatethepotentialmarketfor the newphonesto be around one millionpeoplein thiscountryalone. 我们预计,仅在这个国家新型电话的潜在市场就有100万人左右。
Thedomestic market is stilldepressed, butdemandabroadispickingup. 国内市场依旧低迷,但国外需求正逐步增加。
They'veincreasedtheirshareof the market by tenpercentover the pastyear. 过去一年他们的市场份额增加了10%。
C2 thebusinessortradein aparticularproduct,includingfinancialproducts:
(金融等特定产品的)买卖,市场 thecoffeemarket 咖啡市场
theeconomicmarket 经济市场
thecommodities market 商品市场
thestock market 股票市场
thejob market 就业市场
thehousing market 房产市场
in the market forsomething
想购买 Thanks for theoffer, but I'm not in the market for anothercarrightnow. 谢谢优惠,但目前我无意再买一辆汽车。
on the market
有供应,在出售,上市 Weput ourhouseon the market assoonashousepricesstartedtorise. 房价一涨,我们就卖房子。
This is one of thebesttelevisionson the market. 这是市场上最好的电视机之一。
Thepictureswouldsellforhalfa million on theopen market(= ifofferedforsalewithout afixedprice) . 这些画在公开市场上可卖到50万。
He's notcertainwhether toinvestin thepropertymarket. Thecompanyplansto make abigpushinto theEuropeanmarket nextspring. This is thecheapestversionon the market, which isitsgreatsellingpoint. We'reworkingon newstrategiestoimproveourshareof the market. Is there really a market out there for another women'smagazine? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPeople who buy things
anti-consumer bidder buyer consumer couponer end user foot traffic importer late adopter multi-client personal shopper prosumer purchaser rag-and-bone man ragman speculator subscriber tradesman tradespeople wholesaler See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Business - general words
Excited, interested and enthusiastic
Mortgages & real estate
market noun [C] (PLACE )
A2 aplaceoreventat whichpeoplemeetinordertobuyandsellthings:
集市,市集;市场 Fruit andvegetablesare muchfresherfrom/at the market than in thesupermarket. 集市上的水果和蔬菜比超市新鮮得多。
Sherunsastallat thefarmer's market. 她在农民集市上有一个摊位。
Theflowermarket is abigtouristattraction. 花市对旅游者有很大的吸引力。
acraftmarket 工艺品市场
Visit theareaon marketday for aglimpseof therealParis. 在集市日到这里访问,感受一下真正的巴黎。
Herunsafruitandvegetablestallin the market. Thevillagersgrowcoffeeandmaizetosellin the market. It'straditionalthat youhaggleover thepriceof things in the market. Jonathan doesn'tmissatrick! If there's abargainto be had at the market, he'llfindit. Thegailystripedawningsof the littleshopsand marketstallsmade anattractivescene. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesShops & auctions
army disposals store army surplus store army-navy store art gallery auction craft fair craft shop creamery deli delicatessen liquor store mall mart meat market medical hall store strip mall super-sale supermarket superstore See more results »
market noun [C] (SHOP )
US ashopthatsellsmainlyfood
食品店 See also hypermarket mainlyUK
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesShops & auctions
army disposals store army surplus store army-navy store art gallery auction craft fair craft shop creamery deli delicatessen liquor store mall mart meat market medical hall store strip mall super-sale supermarket superstore See more results »
usualfor aparticularmarket (= thebusinessortradein aparticularproductorservice) :
Thefeehereceivedwas below the marketrate .
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBusiness - general words
Age of Exploration amortizable anti-commercial anti-commercialism anti-consumer contractual contractually coopetition cop corporate image IPO lean locksomething in m-commerce mercantile ultra-commercial unbranded uncommercialized vertical integration virement See more results »
to makegoodsavailabletobuyersin aplannedway thatencouragespeopletobuymore of them, forexamplebyadvertising:
促销;推销;营销 Theirproductsare verycleverlymarketed. 他们产品的营销方式很巧妙。
They usebeautifulmen to markettheirfragrances. We marketourproductsinChina. It isdifficultto marketTVs. Theproductis marketed under a differentnamein Germany. What is thebestway to marketgreenenergy? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAdvertising and marketing
ad ad agency adman advert advertise cross-selling customer relationship management detoxify dogfooding flyer non-brand o.n.o. obo off-brand on-brand stunt superhype teaser telemarketing tie(something) in See more results »
(Definition ofmarket from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
market noun [C] (BUYING AND SELLING )
C1 thepeoplewho mightwanttobuysomething, or apartof theworldwhere something issold
买方;市场 Are yousurethere's a marketfor theproduct? 你肯定这种产品有市场吗?
Weestimatethepotentialmarketfor the newphonesto be around one millionpeoplein thiscountryalone. 我们预计,仅在这个国家新型电话的潜在市场就有100万人左右。
Thedomestic market is stilldepressed, butdemandabroadispickingup. 国内市场依旧低迷,但国外需求正逐步增加。
They'veincreasedtheirshareof the market by tenpercentover the pastyear. 过去一年他们的市场份额增加了10%。
C2 thebusinessortradein aparticularproduct,includingfinancialproducts
(金融等特定产品的)买卖,市场 thecoffeemarket 咖啡市场
theeconomicmarket 经济市场
thecommodities market 商品市场
thestock market 股票市场
thejob market 就业市场
thehousing market 房产市场
in the market forsth
想购买 Thanks for theoffer, but I'm not in the market for anothercarrightnow. 谢谢优惠,但目前我无意再买一辆汽车。
on the market
有供应,在出售,上市 Weput ourhouseon the market assoonashousepricesstartedtorise. 房价一涨,我们就卖房子。
This is one of thebesttelevisionson the market. 这是市场上最好的电视机之一。
Thepictureswouldsellforhalfa million on theopen market(= ifofferedforsalewithout afixedprice) . 这些画在公开市场上可卖到50万。
He's notcertainwhether toinvestin thepropertymarket. Thecompanyplansto make abigpushinto theEuropeanmarket nextspring. This is thecheapestversionon the market, which isitsgreatsellingpoint. We'reworkingon newstrategiestoimproveourshareof the market. Is there really a market out there for another women'smagazine?
market noun [C] (PLACE )
A2 aplaceoreventat whichpeoplemeetinordertobuyandsellthings
集市,市集;市场 Fruit andvegetablesare muchfresherfrom/at the market than in thesupermarket. 集市上的水果和蔬菜比超市新鮮得多。
Sherunsastallat thefarmer's market. 她在农民集市上有一个摊位。
Theflowermarket is abigtouristattraction. 花市对旅游者有很大的吸引力。
acraftmarket 工艺品市场
Visit theareaon marketday for aglimpseof therealParis. 在集市日到这里访问,感受一下真正的巴黎。
Herunsafruitandvegetablestallin the market. Thevillagersgrowcoffeeandmaizetosellin the market. It'straditionalthat youhaggleover thepriceof things in the market. Jonathan doesn'tmissatrick! If there's abargainto be had at the market, he'llfindit. Thegailystripedawningsof the littleshopsand marketstallsmade anattractivescene.
market noun [C] (SHOP )
US ashopthatsellsmainlyfood
食品店 See also hypermarket mainlyUK
to makegoodsavailabletobuyersin aplannedway thatencouragespeopletobuymore of them, forexamplebyadvertising
促销;推销;营销 Theirproductsare verycleverlymarketed. 他们产品的营销方式很巧妙。
They usebeautifulmen to markettheirfragrances. We marketourproductsinChina. It isdifficultto market TVs. Theproductis marketed under a differentnamein Germany. What is thebestway to marketgreenenergy?
market | American Dictionary
market noun [C] (AREA )
anopenarea,building, oreventat whichpeoplegathertobuyandsellgoodsorfood
market noun [C] (DEMAND )
Are yousurethere’s a market for something like this?
A market is also anareaorparticulargroupthatgoodscan besoldto:
A market is also thebusinessortradein aparticulartypeofgoodsorservices:
Idioms in the market forsomething
on the market
market verb [T] (ADVERTISE )
It’s aproductthat willsellif we canfindtherightway to market it.
(Definition ofmarket from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[C ] ECONOMICS ,COMMERCE thebusinessoractivityofbuyingandsellingaparticularproductorservice:
the car/coffee/telecoms, etc. market Thetelecomsmarket isevolvingrapidly.
the market in/for sth Thebattleforcontrolof the London Stock Exchangeaimstocreateatrulyglobalmarket inshares.
We need toincreaseourshareof the market .
Difficultmarketconditions contributedto a 9%declinein first-halfprofits.
the US/local/world market Thecompanyclaimstoholdhalfof the US market byvolume.
tobreakinto/capture/enterthe market
[C ] COMMERCE apartof theworldwhere something is or might besold, or aparticulargroupofpeoplewhobuyor mightbuysomething:
Theemergingmarket where weseeperhapsourstrongestopportunityisChina.
create/find/open up a market Theconsolesaresoldat thelowestpossiblepricetocreatea market forprofitablegames.
break into/enter/penetrate a market They'vewantedtobreakinto the market inAsiafor sometime.
develop/expand/pursue markets We give thehighestimportancetoexpandingmarkets forexistingproducts.
a changing/growing/expanding market Time-sharecompanieshaveadaptedtheirsalespackagesto achangingmarket.
[C ] COMMERCE demandfor aproductorservice, or thenumberofpossiblebuyersfor it:
a market for sth Is there still a market forfaxmachinessince theadventofemail?
the domestic/global/world market Thedomesticmarket is stilldepressed.
a big/large/growing market Thesubsidiescreatedabigmarket for wind-turbinemanufacturersinEurope.
the market
[S ] ECONOMICS aneconomicsystemin whichprices,salaries,employment, etc. aredecidedby how muchpeoplewantand willpayforgoodsandservices:
Hispolicyonpricingwas toletthe marketdecide.
(also financial market ) ;(also stock market ) theactivityofbuyingandsellingshares,bonds,commodities (=productsthat can betraded) ,currencies, etc., or aplacewhere this is done:
Someinvestorsgainunfairadvantagebychangingordersafter markets haveclosed.
If the marketrisesby 20% over theyear, itmeansthat the firm'sincomerisesautomaticallyby the sameamount.
Asianmarkets madestronggainsovernight.
on a/the market On the Chicago market, abushelofwheatfellto 262.50centsfrom 271.75cents.
[C ] COMMERCE aplaceoreventat whichpeoplemeetinordertobuyandsellthings:
[C ] COMMERCE US astorethatsellsmainlyfood:
Can youstopat the market tobuysomemilk?
be first, etc. to market
COMMERCE to be first, etc. to have aproductreadyforsale:
For somecompanies, being first to market is often moreimportantthan having thebestproduct.
bring, get, etc. sth to market
COMMERCE toarriveat thepointwhere aproductisreadyto besold:
If all goes well, thecompanyhopestobringtheproductto market in about twoyears.
come/go to (the) market
COMMERCE tooffera newproductforsalefor the firsttime, or to beofferedforsalefor the firsttime:
Thebigfoodprocessingcompanytestsingredientslikecookingoilbefore they go to market.
STOCK MARKET tobeginsellingshares, etc. on astockexchange, or tobeginto besoldon astockexchange:
Thecompanycame to market inJuly,hittingaclosingpeakof 247p thisweek.
Weexpectthecompanyto bevaluedat about £80m when thesharescome to market on May 22.
corner the market (in/on sth)
COMMERCE to be moresuccessfulthan any othercompanyatsellingaparticulartypeofproduct:
They havecorneredthe market incheapflights.
get to market
COMMERCE if aproductgets to market, it isreadyto besold:
Betterdrugscan always get to market,ensuringpatientsaccessto thebestmedicine.
in the market for sth
Consumers in the market for a newcarmayturnto morefuel-efficientoptions.
make a market
STOCK MARKET todealinshares,bonds, etc. (=buyandsellthem forothers), so thatbuyersdo not have tofindsellersdirectly:
Most of themaindealingbankswill make markets only withrealinvestors, nottraders.
on/onto the market
COMMERCE availableto bebought:
They puttheirhouseon the market, but it hasn'tsold.
This is thebestmortgagerateavailableon the market at thepresenttime.
Thenumberofpropertiescoming onto the market alsoremainedlittlechanged.
play the market
FINANCE ,STOCK MARKET toriskmoneybuyingandsellingshares, etc.:
He had aninstinctforfinance,subscribedto theWallStreetJournal, andplayedthe market.
price yourself/sb/sth out of the market
COMMERCE tochargeso much for aproductorservicethat nobodywantsor isabletobuyit:
There areconcernsthat London ispricingitself out of the market as aEuropeanbusinessbase.
Sharprisesinhousepricesinrecentyearsareincreasinglypricingmanypeopleout of the market.
See also bear market
black market
bond market
bull market
buyer's market
capital market
cash market
closed market
commodity market
credit market
curb market
currency market
discount market
domestic market
efficient market
equity market
exchange market
export market
farmer's market
flea market
foreign exchange market
forward market
free market
futures market
gilt-edged market
global market
graveyard market
the grey market
housing market
imperfect market
insurance market
investment-grade market
job market
kerb market
labour market
loan market
luxury market
main market
mass market noun
money market
mortgage market
niche market
open market
options market
over-the-counter market
parallel market
perfect market
primary market
the property market
secondary market
securities market
seller's market
shadow market
single market
spot market
stock market
swaps market
target market
terminal market
test market
third market
The twocompanieshaveformedapartnershiptojointlymarket therangeofdrugs.
toencouragepeopletobuymore of aparticularproduct, forexamplebyadvertising:
market sth as sth Food marketed aslowerfathas beenprovedtolullus into afalsesenseofsecurity.
market sth to sb Thetobaccocompaniessay they do not markettheirproductstochildren.
Thecompanyhas tomodernizehow it marketsitschocolate, taking intoaccountparentconcernsaboutobesityand high-sugarsnacks.
(Definition ofmarket from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof market market
Moves to reduce government spending, alongside discontinuous and unstable employment markets, are however changing the configuration of responsibilities. From theCambridge English Corpus
The integration of agricultural communities into capitalist markets can be seen in smaller units than the landscape. From theCambridge English Corpus
The markets took this as a reassuring sign of the government's fiscal rectitude. From theCambridge English Corpus
In some instances, it would appear that the new-order drugs are no better than the old ones despite their being marketed as such. From theCambridge English Corpus
Here, the relationships among markets must be examined case by case. From theCambridge English Corpus
Initially it was an economic institution designed to curb the power of plutocrats who were manipulating medicinal drug markets in their favor. From theCambridge English Corpus
Growing international trade encouraged commercialization, specialization and competition between groups for access to markets, political favors and tax breaks. From theCambridge English Corpus
They insisted that the reserves of the system must be large enough to impress the markets. From theCambridge English Corpus
In highly centralised markets, the same outcome could be achieved through a single decision to adjust wages. From theCambridge English Corpus
In the interwar period, industry tried to carve up markets in a time of depressed demand. From theCambridge English Corpus
Many inefficient companies had to close and the sector returned to the exploration of international markets. From theCambridge English Corpus
Moreover, countries at a disadvantage did not face the same open capital markets and trade opportunities to allow compensatory adjustment. From theCambridge English Corpus
When the markets are reopened, it is likely that speculation will resume vigorously. From theCambridge English Corpus
Early modern commodity markets were often specialized according to the type of commodity sold. From theCambridge English Corpus
Moreover, there is a clear lack of quantitative reconstructions of land markets in different regions. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith market market These are words often used in combination withmarket .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
automotive market
From 2006, the saturation of the automotive market in the countries concerned may affect the demand for robots.
From theCambridge English Corpus
betting market
As if that were not bad enough, it is absolutely clear that the betting market today is losing strength almost every moment.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
booming market
The shortage of shepherds meant that squatters either had to invest in fences, or miss reaping the benefits of thebooming market .
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.