masa harina
uk/ˌmæs.ə æˈriː.nə/us/ˌmæs.ə æˈriː.nə/(alsomasa flour)atypeofflourmade fromspeciallytreatedmaize, that can bemixedwithwatertoformmasa(= adoughused for makingtortillas,tamales, and otherLatinAmericanfoods):
玛莎(玉米)面粉Traditionallytortillasare made with aspecialkindofcornflourcalled masa harina.传统上,玉米粉圆饼是用一种叫做“玛莎粉”的特殊玉米粉制作的。
You can use masaflouras athickenerinchilli.你可以用玛莎粉作为辣椒的增稠剂。
- You canbuyfreshorfrozentortillas, which are usually made of masa harina.
- In amediumbowl,mixtogether masa harina andhotwater.
- Dissolve the masaflourinto theremainingbeefbroththenpourinto thechilli.
Flour & yeast
- all-purpose flour
- baker's yeast
- besan
- cassava
- cornflour
- farinha
- flour
- floury
- gluten
- graham flour
- mielie meal
- mother
- nooch
- nutritional yeast
- oatmeal
- semolina
- sourdough
- stoneground
- wheatmeal
- wholegrain