UKuk/ˈpʌntʃ.bæɡ/us/ˈpʌntʃ.bæɡ/(USpunching bag)abagfilledwithmaterialorair,hungfrom aframeorattachedto astandand used byboxersandothersfortrainingorexercise:
(练习拳击用的)吊带,沙袋During abreakfromrehearsalstheactorswould use a punchbag tokeepfit.在排练休息期间,演员们会使用沙袋来锻炼身体。

Monalyn Gracia/Corbis/VCG/GettyImages
apersonwho isviolentlyhitmanytimes:
被暴力击打的对象Youngerboyscould be used as punchbags byseniorboys.较大的男孩可能会把小男孩当成他们的沙袋。
apersonor thing that isseverelycriticizedorpunished, as a way for otherpeopletoexpressangryfeelings:
受气包,出气筒Heshowednorespectfor hisdeputy, andtreatedhim as a punchbag.他不尊重他的副手,把他当作出气筒。
Thisterriblemoviefunctionedas a punchbag for me and every othermoviewriterlastweek.上周,这部糟糕的电影成了我和其他电影作家的出气筒。
- Heinjuredhiswristhittinga punchbag.
- Some men getdrunk, comehome, and usetheirwifeandchildrenas a punchbag.
- The man, who wasbeatenforhoursand used as a punchbag,pleadedformercy.
- Thepoliticianremarked, "I'm ahumanbeing, I'm not a punchbag - I've gotfeelings."
- After nineyearsas the country'sfavouritepunchbag it'samazingthat the Prime Minister'swifehad anyspiritleftin her at all.
Fighting sports
- aikido
- all-in wrestling
- arm-wrestling
- bantamweight
- black belt
- feint
- foil
- full nelson
- grappler
- gumshield
- half nelson
- outfight
- prizefight
- prizefighter
- pugilist
- pugilistic
- punch-drunk
- puncher
- southpaw
- wrestling
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hitting and beating
Disapproving & criticizing
Chastising & rebuking