any ofvarioustypesof verysmallanimalswith onecell:
原生动物;单细胞生物Amoebas are protozoans.阿米巴虫是原生动物。
Protozoansreproducebysplittinginto two.
- The protozoan thatcausesmalariacanpenetratethegutwallandultimatelymigrateto the mosquito'ssalivarygland, where it isinjectedinto the mosquito's nextvictim.
- Isosporiasis iscausedby Isospora belli, a protozoanbelongingto thefamilyApicomplexa.
- These single-celled protozoa getshuttledamongpeopleandanimalsby severalspeciesofinsects.
Plants & animals - general words
- animal kingdom
- anti-parasitic
- autotroph
- biota
- biped
- esculent
- family
- fauna
- flora
- flora and fauna
- mammalian
- migrant
- non-mammalian
- non-placental
- omnivore
- ruminant
- scavenger
- secondary consumer
- songster
- undomesticated
used to refer to any ofvarioustypesof verysmallanimalswith onecell;involvingorrelatingto thistype:
Toxoplasmosis is aninfectioncausedby a protozoanparasitefoundinundercookedmeat.
When thetemperaturereached32-degrees-F all protozoanactivityceased.
- Cryptosporidium are protozoanparasites.
- Theystudied30widelydifferingtypesofmarinebacteriathat were allreadilyeatenby protozoanpredators.
- Chagas'diseaseis aseriousprotozoaninfection.
Plants & animals - general words
- animal kingdom
- anti-parasitic
- autotroph
- biota
- biped
- esculent
- family
- fauna
- flora
- flora and fauna
- mammalian
- migrant
- non-mammalian
- non-placental
- omnivore
- ruminant
- scavenger
- secondary consumer
- songster
- undomesticated