uk/məˈləʊ.di.ən/us/məˈloʊ.di.ən/asmallaccordion(= amusicalinstrumentconsisting of afoldedcentralpartwith asmallkeyboardon the end,playedbypushingthe twoendstowards each other), usedespeciallyforplayingfolkmusic:
美乐琴(一种小手风琴)He was stillregularlyplayingthe melodeon with hisband, the Hooleys, until sixmonthsbefore hisdeath.直到去世前六个月,他仍在跟自己的乐队“胡利斯”一起演奏簧风琴。

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asmallorganthat makesmusicalnoteswhenmetalreeds(=thinpieces)are made tovibratebyairthat issuckedin:
美国式簧风琴Only theweekbefore he hadfoundherseatedat the littleoldmelodeon,playingandsingingaduetwith hersister.就在前一个星期,他还看见她坐在一架有些旧的小簧风琴旁边,和妹妹一边演奏一边二重唱。
See also

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- Assoonas they came into thehousea melodeonstartedtoplayand twofiddlestook up inperfecttune.
- Sincechildhood, he had beenpickinguptuneson his father's melodeon.
- The Horn Dancersdancearound to themusicof a melodeonplayer.
- TheLordJesuswas abeardedman in awhiterobeout of thepicturebeside the melodeon inSundaySchool.
Musical instruments
- accordion
- acoustically
- aerophone
- alphorn
- alto
- drum kit
- drum machine
- drumbeat
- drumroll
- drumstick
- pedal steel
- penny whistle
- percussion
- percussionist
- percussive
- tuning peg
- ukulele
- unpitched
- unplugged
- untuned