therelationshipbetween theformof asign, such as a word orsymbol, anditsmeaning:
象似性(符号的形式与其意义之间的相似或类比关系)Iconicity iscentralto thestudyofliteraryuses oflanguage, such asproseandpoetry.象似性对研究语言的文学用途(如散文和诗歌中的语言)至关重要。
Theoppositeof iconicity isarbitrariness; in anarbitrarysign, there is nothing in theformof thesignthatresemblesaspectsofitsmeaning.象似性的反面是任意性;在任意性符号中,符号的形式与其意义没有任何相似之处。
- Theauditoryaspectofprosewriting should not beneglected, andformspartof thelargertopicof iconicity or mimesis inlanguage.
- Iconicity, theabilityof a thing to refer beyond itself, isregardedas thekeytounderstandingthemeaningofnaturescenes.
- Iconicity is ananalyticaltooldevelopedin thestudyofnaturallanguagesalmosttwodecadesago.
- The iconicity ofdistanceis thetendencyfor theconceptualdistancebetweenconceptsto bereflectedin thelinguisticdistancebetween thelinguisticexpressionsof theseconcepts.
Linguistic terms & linguistic style
- affricate
- allophone
- allophony
- anaphor
- anaphora
- chatty
- colloquial
- distributive
- double entendre
- downtoner
- emphatic
- entailment
- etymological
- flowery
- oxymoron
- philological
- polysemy
- portmanteau word
- prescriptivism
- prescriptivist