uk/ˌmet.əˈfɒr.ɪ.kəli/us/ˌmet̬.əˈfɔːr.ɪ.kəl.i/relatingto or usingmetaphors(=expressionsthatdescribeapersonorobjectby referring to something that isconsideredto havesimilarcharacteristics):
隐喻地The phrase "bornagain" is used metaphorically tomeanthat someone hasacceptedJesusasGodandbecomeaChristian.“重生”这个短语被用来比喻某人已经接受耶稣为上帝并成为基督徒。
Byleavingschoolwithout anyqualifications, she has, metaphoricallyspeaking,shotherself in thefoot(=harmedherchancesofsuccess).她没有获得任何学历就离开了学校,用比喻的话来说,她这是“对着自己的脚开了一枪”(意为“破坏了自己成功的机会”)。
- I don'tknowif he'sspeakingmetaphorically orliterally.
- Thenightsaredarkerhere. I don'tmeanthat metaphorically, I'mtalkingabout thequalityof thenight.
- Shetellsthestoryof a woman who is metaphoricallyburiedalive- bymarriage, by the past.
Figurative use of language
- a metaphor forsomethingidiom
- allegorically
- allusion
- anthropomorphic
- anthropomorphize
- figurative
- figure of speech
- idiom
- ironic
- metaphor
- metonymy
- mix
- mixyourmetaphorsidiom
- mixed metaphor
- non-metaphorical
- pathetic fallacy
- so to speakidiom
- speak
- symbol
- trope