mainlyUSinformaluk/ˈmɪlk.təʊst/us/ˈmɪlk.toʊst/ashy,nervouspersonwith aweakcharacter, usually a man:
Hechangesfrom a dorky milquetoast to asexymachohero.他从一个愚蠢的胆小鬼变成了一个性感的男子汉英雄。
During boxing's bare-knuckleera,gloveswere for milquetoasts.
- Those whothoughtotherwisewerederidedas milquetoasts.
- I wasn't going to be a milquetoast andlethimsteamrollerme.
- He didn'tmaneuverthrough Washington'scorridorsofpowerby being a milquetoast.
Shy and modest
- aw shucks
- backward
- bashful
- bashfully
- bashfulness
- deprecating
- humility
- inadequacy
- inadequate
- inhibited
- inhibition
- mousy
- reticent
- self-conscious
- self-consciously
- self-consciousness
- self-deprecating
- self-deprecatingly
- wallflower
- withdrawn
mainlyUSinformaluk/ˈmɪlk.təʊst/us/ˈmɪlk.toʊst/shy,nervousand with aweakcharacter:
She was no milquetoastgirl. Sheloveda goodconfrontation
WalterWhiteis a milquetoastteacherwhoseloveof hissubjectissharedby none of hisstudents.
- Josiebreaksoff herengagementto milquetoast Ken.
- In thisdayandageof milquetoastrockstars, it'srefreshingto berepulsedby theold-schoolguys.
- Shebrowbeatsher milquetoasthusbandandrunsdown heradultson.
Shy and modest
- aw shucks
- backward
- bashful
- bashfully
- bashfulness
- deprecating
- humility
- inadequacy
- inadequate
- inhibited
- inhibition
- mousy
- reticent
- self-conscious
- self-consciously
- self-consciousness
- self-deprecating
- self-deprecatingly
- wallflower
- withdrawn