method actor
uk/ˈmeθ.əd ˌæk.tər/us/ˈmeθ.əd ˌæk.tɚ/anactorwhotriestounderstandandfeeltheemotionsof thecharacterhe or sherepresents:
方法派(体验派表演方法)演员He doesn'tregardhimself as amethodactor.他不认为自己是一个方法派演员。
Are you thekindofmethodactorwho has tostayincharacterevenwhen you're not oncamera?你是那种即使不在镜头前也要保持角色身份的方法派演员吗?
method acting
- Methodactorsattemptedtotapdeepintotheirownfeelingstoilluminatetheircharacters.
- He's amethodactorwho doesn'trealizehe isacting.
- Perhaps he is amethodactor, whoneedsto be theparthe'splayingso that he canplayit.
- This isexactlywhatmethodactorsdo, taking on theroleof thecharacterthey areplayingtoconvinceothersthat they are really thatperson.
Cinema & theatre: actors & performers
- actor
- actress
- all-star
- belly dancer
- body double
- cast
- chorus
- improviser
- juvenile lead
- leading lady
- leading man
- luvvy
- performer
- spear carrier
- stage name
- starlet
- stooge
- straight man
- superstar
- troupe