uk/pʊl/us/pʊl/pullverb(MOVE TOWARDS YOU)
tomovesomething towards yourself, sometimes withgreatphysicaleffort:
拖,拉,拽Could youhelpmemovethisbookcaseover there? You pull and I'llpush.你能帮我把这个书柜移到那边去吗?你拉我推。
He pulled thechairaway from thedesk.他把椅子从书桌旁拉开。
He pulled theheavyboxacrossthefloorto thedoor.他把地上那个沉重的箱子一直拖到门口。
[+ obj + adj]He pulled thedooropen.他拉开了门。
Thecarwas pulling acaravan.那辆小汽车正在拖一辆有篷卡车。
Thesunwas sostrongwe had to pulldowntheblinds.阳光太强烈了,我们不得不拉下百叶窗。
She pulledoutthedrawer.她拉开了抽屉。
to pull something
- pullPull your chair over here so you can see the screen.
- dragShe dragged the canoe down to the water.
- haulThey hauled the boat out of the water.
- towYou shouldn't drive fast when your car is towing a trailer.
- yankShe marched to the door and yanked it open.
- wrenchThe phone had been wrenched from the wall.
- Lie onyourback,claspyourkneesand pull them down towardsyourchest.
- He pulled theknoband it just came off (in hishand).
- Wewatchedinhorroras they pulled thebodiesfrom thewreckage.
- Shedippedheroarsinto thewaterand pulled.
- When you pull thestrings, the puppet'sarmsandlegsmove.
- draft
- drag
- draught
- draw
- drawsomethingup
- heave
- heave-ho
- heft
- hitchsomethingup
- pluck
- reel
- retract
- retractable
- suck
- tow
- tow-away
- trail
- tug
- tweak
- twitch
to take something out of or away from aplace,especiallyusingphysicaleffort:
拉,抽出;移走He pulledoffhissweater.他脱下了毛衣。
Thedentistpulled bothteethout.牙医把两颗牙都拔了出来。
Ispentthemorningpullinguptheweedsin the flowerbeds.我上午在给花坛除草。
toremoveorstopsomething that was going to bepublishedorbroadcast,especiallybecause it isfoundto beoffensiveor notaccurate:
(尤指因为有冒犯性或不准确)撤下即将出版(或传播)的材料Whenofficialsrealizedtheculturalgaffe, thecompanypulled the ad andapologized.当官员们意识到文化上的失礼后,撤下了广告并作了道歉。
- Imanagedto pull thesplinterout with apairoftweezers.
- She used apairofpliersto pull out thenails.
- I pulled up all myoldraspberrycanes.
- We usedropesandcramponsto pull ourselves up themountain.
- Iquicklypulled off myclothes.
- draft
- drag
- draught
- draw
- drawsomethingup
- heave
- heave-ho
- heft
- hitchsomethingup
- pluck
- reel
- retract
- retractable
- suck
- tow
- tow-away
- trail
- tug
- tweak
- twitch
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Stop having or doing something
Removing and getting rid of things
B2[I+ adv/prep]
tomovein thestateddirection:
朝某方向移动During the lastlapof theraceone of therunnersbeganto pullahead.跑到最后一圈时,一位选手开始领先。
Wewavedas thetrainpulledout ofthestation.火车出站时我们挥手道别。
Ourarmiesare pullingbackon allfronts.我们的军队正全面撤出前线。
to go backwards
- reverseThe road ahead was blocked by a tree so I had to reverse.
- backI backed into the drive.
- back upI backed up into an empty parking space.
- retreatShe retreated hastily back up the stairs.
- pull backUN peacekeepers have pulled back from the border.
- withdrawThe British army withdrew from Dunkirk in 1940.
pull yourself along, up, etc.
to takeholdof something and useefforttomoveyourbodyforwardsor up:
抓住…并努力向上(或向前)移动身体She pulled herself up thestairs,holdingonto therail.她抓住栏杆努力走上台阶。
He put hishandson thesideof thepooland pulled himself out of thewater.他双手扒着游泳池壁,把自己托出水面。
- Theguardwavedhisflagand thetrainpulled away from thestation.
- Thecarpulled in at theroadside.
- Heshookhisfistat thedriverwho pulled out infrontof him.
- When hereachedout myautomaticresponsewas to pull away.
- Theleaderis pulling wellaheadof the otherrunnersnow.
General words for movement
- betake
- budge
- budge up
- carry
- circulate
- dad dancing
- gangway
- kinetic
- kinetic energy
- libration
- locomotion
- mill around
- motion
- move
- pass
- round
- rove
- seethe
- shove
- slip
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Moving upwards
Moving on your hands and legs or on your stomach
Advancing and moving forward
吸引The show hascertainlypulled(in)thecrowds.表演的确吸引了大批观众。
tosucceedinstartingasexualrelationshipwith someone:
勾引,吸引(异性)Hecertainlyknowshow to pull women.他的确懂得如何勾引女人。
Did Tracy pull at thenightclublastnight?昨晚特雷西在夜总会勾引到谁没?
Attracting and tempting
- affinity
- allure
- alluringly
- arrest
- attract
- catnip
- charisma
- charm offensive
- charm the pants offsomeoneidiom
- chum
- glamorousness
- glamour
- honey trap
- incentive
- jump out atsomeone
- tempt
- temptation
- temptingly
- ticklesomeone'sfancyidiom
- va-va-voom
toinjureamusclebystretchingit too much:
拉伤,扭伤(肌肉)I pulled amusclein my backliftingsomedrawers.我搬抽屉时把背部一块肌肉拉伤了。
He pulled ahamstring.他拉伤了跟踺。
to hurt someone physically
- hurtI hurt my arm climbing over the fence.
- injureThe bomb killed ten people and injured many more.
- woundHe was wounded so badly in the attack that doctors said he might never walk again.
- maimThe atrocities have killed or maimed thousands of people.
- tortureThe guards were accused of torturing prisoners.
- stabHe was fatally stabbed with a kitchen knife.
Injuring and injuries
- at-risk
- be in the warsidiom
- bite
- boo-boo
- cripple
- disable
- harm
- injure
- injury
- lesion
- lesional
- reinjury
- scarred
- scathe
- sprain
- strain
- trample
- trauma
- victim
- wounded
干(勾当),玩(花招)Thegangthat pulled thebankrobberywere allarrested.抢劫银行的那伙歹徒都被逮捕了。
No one'sgonnapull thatkindoftrickonme!任何人都不许跟我耍那种花招!
Cheating & tricking
- anti-fraud
- bad faith
- bamboozle
- bilk
- blackmail
- deceive
- fiddle
- flannel
- gull
- have an eye to/for the main chanceidiom
- havesomeoneon
- hoax
- hocus-pocus
- hustle
- pull a fast oneidiom
- pull the wool oversomeone'seyesidiom
- punk
- putsomethingacross/oversomeone
- putsomethingon
- racket
[T]internet & telecomsspecialized
to getinformationfrom theinternet, afteraskingorsearchingfor it:
通过询问和搜索在互联网上找到信息Companies shouldencouragecustomersto pullinformationfromtheirwebsite,thusputting thecustomerincontrol.公司应鼓励顾客从他们的网站上查找信息,让顾客有控制权。
Internet terminology
- above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- refresh
- shopping basket
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
- virally
- visitor
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Finding and discovering
like pulling teeth
not pull any/your punches
pullsomethingout of the bag/hat
pullyoursocks up
pullsomeoneup short
pull a fast one
pull a gun, knife, etc. onsomeone
pull out all the stops
pull rank
pull strings
pull the other leg/one (it's got bells on)!
pull the plug
pull the rug/carpet from undersomeone'sfeet
pull the strings
pull up short
Phrasal verbs
pull atsomething
pull away
pull back
pull downsomething
pull in/pull intosomewhere
pull off
pull on
pull out
pull over
pull through(something)
pull together
pull up
uk/pʊl/us/pʊl/pullnoun(MOVEMENT TOWARDS YOU)
[Cusually singular]
theactof pulling something towards yourself:
拉,拖,拽Givetheropea hard pull.使劲拽一下绳子。

something that you pull to make somethingworkor toopensomething:
- draft
- drag
- draught
- draw
- drawsomethingup
- heave
- heave-ho
- heft
- hitchsomethingup
- pluck
- reel
- retract
- retractable
- suck
- tow
- tow-away
- trail
- tug
- tweak
- twitch
something thatattractspeople:
有吸引力的东西"How can wepersuadepeopleto come to themeeting?" "Aglassofwineisquitea good pull."“我们怎么才能说服人们来开会呢?”“请他们喝杯酒效果会相当不错。”
吸引力,魅力Thegreaterthemassof anobject, thegreateritsgravitationalpull.物体的质量越大重力也就越大。
The movie'sall-starcastshould give it a lot of pull.这部电影的全明星阵容应该会使其很有吸引力。
Attracting and tempting
- affinity
- allure
- alluringly
- arrest
- attract
- catnip
- charisma
- charm offensive
- charm the pants offsomeoneidiom
- chum
- glamorousness
- glamour
- honey trap
- incentive
- jump out atsomeone
- tempt
- temptation
- temptingly
- ticklesomeone'sfancyidiom
- va-va-voom
影响力He's still gotquiteabitof pull in theclub- he couldprobablyget youelected.他在俱乐部的影响力还是相当大的,他也许能让你当选。
Power to control
- ascendancy
- authoritarianism
- be abovesomeone'spay gradeidiom
- big beast
- buysomethingin
- cradle
- hegemonic
- hegemonism
- hegemony
- influence
- ingrain
- lever
- leverage
- power vacuum
- predominance
- puissance
- redetermination
- responsibility
- sway
- tooth
be on the pull