stupidandunreasonable, orsillyin ahumorousway:
荒谬的,荒唐的;愚蠢的;可笑的What an absurd thing to say!这话多荒唐啊!
Don't be so absurd! OfcourseIwantyou to come.别犯傻!我当然想让你来。
It's an absurdsituation- neither of them willtalkto the other.这情形真是让人哭笑不得——他们谁也不理睬谁。
Do Ilookabsurd in thishat?我戴这顶帽子是不是很滑稽?
- stupidSome people are too stupid to realize what's bad for them.
- foolishShe was really foolish to quit her job like that.
- sillyIt was silly of you to go out in the sun without a hat.
- crazyYou'd be absolutely crazy to marry that man.
- dumbUSShe was terrified of asking dumb questions.
the absurd
things thathappenthat arestupidorunreasonable:
荒诞(的事物);悖理Thewholesituationbordersonthe absurd.整个局面几乎到了荒诞不经的地步。
She has akeensenseof the absurd.她对荒诞事物有敏锐的识别能力。
- YouwantGranny tolivein thecaravan? That's an absurdsuggestion!
- It's just another of those absurdrulesimposedupon us by thejusticesystem.
- He's got some absurdideain hisheadaboutbuildinghis ownhouse.
- It's absurd towasteyourmoneyon amachineyou'll never use.
- Blakelookedabsurd in thosetightleathertrousers, but Itriednot tolaugh.
Stupid and silly
- absurdity
- absurdly
- adolescent
- againstyourbetter judgmentidiom
- Alice-in-Wonderland
- dopey
- dorky
- dottiness
- dotty
- dozily
- impolitic
- imprudent
- inhis/her/theirwisdomidiom
- insomeone'sinfinite wisdomidiom
- inadvisable
- uncritically
- unintelligent
- unreasonable
- unreasonably
- unwise