(referring to) twopeopleor things together:
两个;两者;双方Both myparentsareteachers.我的父母都是教师。
They have twochildren, bothof whomliveabroad.他们有两个子女,两人都住在国外。
She has written twonovels, bothof whichhave been made intotelevisionseries.她写过两部小说,都被拍成了电视连续剧。
Both Mike andJimhaveredhair/Mike andJimboth haveredhair.迈克和吉姆都是红头发。
Ilovedthem both/Ilovedbothofthem.他们两人我都爱。
Theproblemwith bothof theseproposalsis that they arehopelesslyimpractical.这两项提议共同的问题是都太不切合实际了。
Are bothof usinvited, or just you?我们两人都受到邀请了,还是只有你一人?
Would you likemilkorsugaror both?你要牛奶还是糖,还是两个都要?
Both menandwomen havecomplainedabout theadvertisement.男人和女人都投诉过这个广告。
Ifeltbothhappyandsadat the sametime.我感到既高兴又伤心。
Ithinkit'simportanttolistento bothsidesof theargument.我觉得听取争论双方的意见是很重要的。
Improvedchildcarefacilitieswouldbenefitbothsexes, not just women.改善儿童保育设施对男女都会有好处,不仅仅是女性受益。
Ifailedmydrivingtestbecause I didn'tkeepbothhandson thesteeringwheel.我驾照考试没有通过,因为我没有始终用双手握方向盘。
- Heembracedher,kissingher on bothcheeks.
- Thisroomservesas both astudyand adiningroom.
- After thecrashbothdriversgot out andinspectedtheircarsfordamage.
- The twoscientistsboth made the samediscoveryindependently, atroughlythe sametime.
- Therecipeis given in bothmetricandimperialmeasures.
Linguistics: both, all, each & every
- A, a
- all
- all roundphrase
- any
- apiece
- each
- either
- every
- every minuteidiom
- pan
- per
- pop
- strength
- the
- throw
- to
- whole
We use both to refer to two things or people together:…Bothwith nouns
When we use both before a determiner (e.g. a/an, the, her, his) + noun, both and both of can be used:…Bothwith pronouns
We can use both after a subject pronoun or an object pronoun:…Bothas a pronoun
We can use both on its own as a pronoun:…Both: position
If both refers to the subject of a clause, we can use it in the normal mid position for adverbs, between the subject and main verb, after a modal verb or the first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb:…Bothin short answers
We use both on its own in short answers:…Both oforneither ofin negative clauses
We usually use neither of rather than both of … not in negative clauses:…Both … andas a linking expression
We use both … and to emphasise the link between two things. This makes a stronger connection than and alone:…Both: typical errors
We don’t use both with a negative verb; we use either instead:…