uk/maɪˈæm.i/us/maɪˈæm.i/alargecityin thesoutheasternUSstateof Florida:
迈阿密(美国佛罗里达州的一个大城市)Twomonthslatershe was in Miami.两个月后,她来到了迈阿密。
Anyvisitorto Miami must go toseeMiami Beach.任何到迈阿密的游客都一定要去看看迈阿密海滩。
- He isspendinghisspringunder the Miamisun.
- Theconferencewilllikelytakeplacein Miami.
- They hadrelativesin the Miami Cubancommunity.
Towns & regions: city names & their inhabitants
- Aberdeen
- Aberdonian
- Abidjan
- Abu Dhabi
- Abuja
- Boston
- Bozeman
- Brasília
- Bratislava
- Brazzaville
- Dundonian
- Durham
- Dushanbe
- Edinburgh
- El Paso
- Madison
- Madrid
- manchester
- Melbourne
- Memphis