sabal palm
uk/ˈseɪ.bəl ˌpɑːm/us/ˈseɪ.bəl ˌpɑːm/(alsosabal palmetto,/ˌseɪ.bəl pælˈmet.əʊ/)atypeofpalmtree(= atreethatgrowsinhotcountriesand has atalltrunkand amassofleavesgrowingout of thetop)whoseleavesforma roundshapeon eachbranch:
Amysteriousdiseaseiskillingoff sabalpalmsin the SunshineState.
SouthCarolina isknownas the PalmettoState, after the Sabal Palmetto, theofficialstatetree.
cabbage palm
- The sabalpalmis theofficialstatetreeof Florida andSouthCarolina.
- Sabalpalmsmake up about 3percentof thebayarea'sforest.
- Environmentalists say theweirwouldfloodtreasuredsabalpalmgroves.
Types of evergreen & coniferous tree
- Australian pine
- bristlecone pine
- cabbage palm
- carob
- Christmas tree
- fir
- gum tree
- hemlock
- holly
- ironbark
- Joshua tree
- monkey-puzzle
- Norfolk Island pine
- oleander
- pandan
- pitch pine
- redwood
- spruce
- white pine
- yew