uk/seɪm/us/seɪm/sameadjective(EXACTLY LIKE)
the same
exactlylike another or each other:
相同的,同样的Mytwinsisterand I have the samenose.我孪生姐姐的鼻子和我的长得一样。
She waswearingexactlythe samedressasI was.她穿的裙子和我的一模一样。
Hilary's the sameageasme.希拉里和我同岁。
Shebroughtup herchildreninjust(=exactly)the samewayhermotherdid.她养育孩子的方法和她母亲完全一样。
exactly like each other
- the sameI have the same dress as her.
- identicalThe employees all wore identical blue shirts.
- indistinguishableThe counterfeit certificate was so good it was indistinguishable from the real thing.
- equalFour groups of ten is equal to two groups of twenty.
staying the same
- constantCheck to make sure your oven maintains a constant temperature.
- the sameYou look exactly the same as you did ten years ago!
- same old same oldThe Italian restaurant is under new management, but it's just the same old same old.
- unchangingHis novel is about the unchanging nature of humanity.
- unchangeableThe company's position on the matter is absolute and unchangeable.
- Allpeopleareequal,deservingthe samerightsas each other.
- Weworkat the samespeed.
- Iknowa lot ofpeoplewho've had the sameproblem.
- Hersonis the sameageas mine.
- Thejacketandtrousersarealmostthe samecolour.
Similar and the same
- -esque
- adjacent
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- pale imitation
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- snap
- swing
sameadjective(NOT ANOTHER)
A1[before noun]
not another differentplace,time,situation,person, or thing:
相同的,同一的Mybrotherand Isleepinthesameroom.我弟弟和我睡在同一个房间。
Rachel's still going out withthesameboyfriend.蕾切尔还在和同一个男朋友交往。
That(very)sameday, heheardhe'dpassedhisexams.就在同一天,他听说自己通过了考试。
I would dothesamethingagain if I had thechance.如果有机会,我还会做同样的事情。
Shall wemeetup atthesametimetomorrow?我们明天在同一时间见面好吗?
- You have the samedisheverytimewe come here.
- She's been in the samejobforyears.
- Ifindmyselfendlesslyrepeatingthe samephrases.
- I alwaysbuythe samebrandoftoothpastejust out ofhabit.
- We alwaysshopat the sameplaces.
Similar and the same
- -esque
- adjacent
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- pale imitation
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- snap
- swing
Same, similar, identical
Same means that two or more things are exactly like one another. We can use same as an adjective before a noun or as a pronoun. When we use same to compare people or things, we must use it with the:…Idioms
at the same time
be in the same boat
by the same token
it all amounts/comes to the same thing
it's the same old story
not in the same league
one and the same
same difference
same old same old
the same old thing
uk/seɪm/us/seɪm/samepronoun(EXACTLY LIKE)
the same as
一模一样;完全一样People say Ilookjustthe sameasmysister.人们说我和我姐姐长得一模一样。
Johnthinksthe same as I do - it's just tooexpensive.约翰的想法和我一样——那太贵了。
the same
没有变化的After all theseyearsyoulookexactlythe same - you haven'tchangedabit.这么多年过去了,你看起来还是老样子——一点儿也没变。
Charles is just the sameasalways.查尔斯还是老样子。
Similar and the same
- -esque
- adjacent
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- pale imitation
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- snap
- swing
samepronoun(NOT ANOTHER)
the same
not another different thing orsituation:
同样的事物;同样的情况I'mterribleatphysics, andit'sthe samewithchemistry- I get it allwrong.我对物理一窍不通,化学也一样——我完全理解不了。
[before noun]humorous
not another differentperson:
同一个人"Was that Marion on thephone?" "The (very) same."“接电话的是玛丽昂吗?”“正是。”
Similar and the same
- -esque
- adjacent
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- pale imitation
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- snap
- swing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Names and titles
Same, similar, identical
Same means that two or more things are exactly like one another. We can use same as an adjective before a noun or as a pronoun. When we use same to compare people or things, we must use it with the:…Idioms
all the same
be all the same tosomeone
not the same
same again
same here
same to you
uk/seɪm/us/seɪm/the same
in the same way:
同样地Wetreatallourchildrenthe same.我们对待自己所有的孩子都一视同仁。
I need sometimeto myself, the sameasanybodyelse.和别人一样,我也需要一些属于自己的时间。
Similar and the same
- -esque
- adjacent
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- pale imitation
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- snap
- swing
Same, similar, identical
Same means that two or more things are exactly like one another. We can use same as an adjective before a noun or as a pronoun. When we use same to compare people or things, we must use it with the:…