uk/ˈpʌp.ɪt/us/ˈpʌp.ɪt/atoyin theshapeof apersonoranimalthat you canmovewithstringsor by puttingyourhandinside:
木偶We took thechildrento a puppetshow/theatre.我们带孩子去看了木偶剧。

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apersonorgroupwhoseactionsarecontrolledby someoneelse:
傀儡Westernpowershave beenaccusedoftryingtoestablisha puppetgovernment/regimein thedividedcountry.西方列强被指责企图在这个被分裂的国家建立傀儡政府。
Toys & dolls
- balloon
- building block
- chew toy
- doll's pram
- fidget
- fidget spinner
- finger puppet
- go-kart
- marble
- mud pie
- rag doll
- rocking horse
- snow globe
- sock puppet
- soft toy
- squirt gun
- squishy
- stacker
- teddy
- tricycle
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People who serve other people