B2[Cusually singular]
thepositionof ahouseor otherbuilding:
位置;环境Theirhouseis in anidylliccountrysetting.他们的农舍地处恬静宜人的乡村。
B2[Cusually singular]
thetimeand theplacein which theactionof abook,film,play, etc.happens:
(小说、电影、戏剧等的)情节背景Theplayhasitssetting in awartimeprisoncamp.这部戏的背景是战争时期的战俘营。
aplace setting
一套餐具(见 place setting)
Judd Pilossof/Photolibrary/GettyImages
- This would be theperfectsetting for awedding.
- Thehotelitself is in anidyllicsetting.
- Thebuildingisparticularlynotableforitsgardensetting.
- This is ataleoflifeanddeathin theidyllicruralsetting of a 15th-centurymanorhouse.
- Themoviecastsa newlighton thefamiliarWildWestsetting.
Places and locations
- anatopism
- behind
- Cambrian
- capital
- coign of vantage
- direction
- drop-in
- far from the madding crowdidiom
- hill
- Mecca
- multi-location
- multi-site
- natal
- nestle
- position
- station
- subsite
- technology park
- venue
- World Heritage Site
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema & theatre: production, direction & recording
apositionon thecontrolsof apieceofequipment:
(机器的)调控装置Myhairdryerhas three settings - high,medium, andlow.我的吹风机有3挡——高温、中温和低温挡。
You don't need toadjustthe setting everytimeyou take aphoto.你不必每次拍照片的时候都调设置。
theplaceon amobilephoneor otherelectronicdevicewhere you can setvariousfunctions:
(电子设备的)设置Go to Settings toconnecttoWi-Finetworks.在”设置“中连接到无线网络。
Measurements in general
- bathymetric
- bathymetry
- be running atsomethingidiom
- calibrate
- calibration
- distance
- drop
- elevation
- factor
- full-scale
- kilo
- knee-deep
- lengthways
- longways
- metric
- metrication
- micro
- milli-
- proportion
- scale
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Communications - general words
Computer programming & software
thepieceofmetalin aring, or otherpieceofjewellery, into which apreciousstoneisfixed:
安置宝石的底座;镶嵌底座asinglediamondin aplaingoldsetting镶嵌在纯金底座上的单颗钻石
- ankle bracelet
- bangle
- bauble
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- butterfly
- circlet
- clip-on
- cuff
- drip
- earring
- engagement ring
- finery
- jewelled
- jewellery
- jewellery box
- rhinestone
- signet ring
- sleeper
- sparkler
- treasure
theplacewhere afilmorplayisrecordedorperformed, and thepictures,furniture, etc. that are used:
Thecurtaineventuallyliftedon a newstagesetting.
Even thebooks' most die-hardfansadmitthey havetroublereadingwithoutpicturingactorsand settings from themovies.
Theatres, cinemas & their parts
- art house
- arthouse
- backstage
- billboard
- bioscope
- fleapit
- footlights
- green room
- onstage
- orchestra pit
- scenery
- spotlight
- stage
- stage left
- stage right
- stagy
- theater
- theatre
- upstage
- wing
musicwritten orprovidedfor apoemor other words so that they can besung:
为…谱曲;给…配乐HesangSchubert's settingofa Goethepoem.他唱了一曲,是舒伯特为歌德的诗谱写的乐曲。
Writing, reading & studying music
- anti-musical
- bar
- canon
- canonical
- compose
- composition
- compositional
- musical
- musically
- musicologist
- musicology
- non-musical
- orchestrate
- reorchestration
- rescore
- sheet music
- sight-read
- sight-reading
- transposition
- unmusical