pussy bow
UK(alsoUKpussycat bow)alargebow(= aknotwith twocurvedpartsand twolooseends)wornat thefrontof theneck,especiallyon a woman'sshirt:
She waswearingadarkbluesuitand awhiteblousewith apussybow.
Margaret Thatcher'ssignaturepussycatbowis back infashionagain.
![picture of pussy bow picture of pussy bow](https://dictionary.cambridge.org//images/thumb/pussyb_noun_004_2146.jpg?version=5.0.287)
- Thepussybowis adetailthat often goes hand-in-hand with asilkblouse.
- Herchiffonscarfwastiedneatlyinto apussybowat herthroat.
- Hissignaturepussycatbowsappearedtimeand again on theinternationalcatwalks.
- Try thisleopardprintpussybowblouse.
Decorations for clothes
- badged
- badging
- bemedalled
- epaulette
- eyelet
- feathered
- flash
- frill
- fringe
- frou-frou
- nacre
- piping
- sequin
- spangle
- stud
- studded
- tassel
- train
- trim
- trimming