smart meter
uk/ˈsmɑːt ˌmiː.tər/us/ˈsmɑːrt ˌmiː.t̬ɚ/atypeofmeter(= adevicethatmeasurestheamountof something that is used)withcomputertechnology, thatshowshow muchenergy, etc. is being used andsendsthisinformationto thecompanythat issupplyingtheenergy:
智能电表Smartmeterslookliketraditionalones, but they canrecorda home's use ofelectricityevery 15minutesandfeedtheinformationto theutilitycompany.智能电表外表很像传统的电表,但它们可以每15分钟记录一次某家庭的用电情况,并将信息反馈给电力公司。
- The new, computer-based "smartmeters"measureusageinrealtime.
- She said suchtoolsassmartmeterswouldenablecustomerstorecognizeandrespondto therealcostsofgeneratingpower.
- Thefearis that the comingsmartmeterswill do little more thansavethecompaniesmoneybyallowingthem toreadcustomers'metersremotely-thusenablingthem tofiretheirmeterreaders.
Measuring, weighing, & counting devices
- -scopic
- dial
- dipstick
- fitness tracker
- gage
- gamma counter
- gamma meter
- gauge
- gradation
- hydrograph
- indicator
- micrometer
- plumb line
- probe
- sensor
- straight edge
- tracker
- voltmeter
- weather balloon
- weigh station