ahappyorfriendlyexpressionon thefacein which theendsof themouthcurveupslightly, often with thelipsmovingapartso that theteethcan beseen:
微笑,笑容Amy had abig/broadsmileonherface.埃米脸上满是笑容。
She has anicesmile.她笑得很甜。
Hewinkedandgaveme a smile.他眨了眨眼,冲我笑了一下。
It'sniceto beabletobringa smiletopeople'sfaces(= makepeoplesmile).能让人笑感觉真好。

- Slowly a smilespreadacrossherface.
- There was thefaintesttraceof a smile on herlips.
- Hetriedtosuppressa smile butfeltthecornerof hismouthtwitch.
- She gave everyone awelcomingsmile.
- Theministerworeaconfidentsmilethroughouttheinterview.
Laughing and smiling
- amused
- be all smilesidiom
- be in convulsionsidiom
- be rolling in the aislesidiom
- be wreathed in smilesidiom
- bust
- gale
- gales of laughteridiom
- giggle
- giggler
- giggly
- grin
- quake
- rictus
- say cheeseidiom
- simper
- smiley
- smiling
- smilingly
- stitch
be all smiles
to make ahappyorfriendlyexpressionin which thecornersofyourmouthcurveup:
微笑,笑He smiled andshookmyhand.他笑着和我握了手。
When he smiledatme Ikneweverything was allright.他冲我笑时,我就知道一切正常。
Esme's socheerful- she's always smiling.埃丝米很开朗——她总是笑吟吟的。
I couldn'thelpsmiling when Ithoughtof howpleasedshe was going to be.想到她会多么高兴时,我就忍不住要笑。
He smiledpolitelyas Maryapologizedfor herdrunkenfriends.当玛丽替她喝醉的朋友道歉时,他很有礼貌地笑了笑。
He smiledtohimselfas hethoughtabout his newgirlfriend.想到自己的新女友,他会心地笑了。
He smiled thesmileof a man whoknewvictorywas withinreach.他露出了稳操胜券者特有的微笑。
toexpressor say something with a smile:
以微笑表达;微笑着说He smiled his congratulations andleftwithout another word.他微笑着表示祝贺,然后就离去了,没有再多说一句话。
"Don't youworryabout a thing. Everything's going to be justfine," smiled Robinreassuringly.“别担心,一切都会很好的,”罗宾微笑着安慰道。
- She smiledaffectionatelyat him.
- Mymothersmiledencouraginglyat me as I went up onstage.
- He smiledfondlyat thechildren.
- Shelookedup from herbookand smiled at me.
- He smiled at me in areassuringway.
Laughing and smiling
- amused
- be all smilesidiom
- be in convulsionsidiom
- be rolling in the aislesidiom
- be wreathed in smilesidiom
- bust
- gale
- gales of laughteridiom
- giggle
- giggler
- giggly
- grin
- quake
- rictus
- say cheeseidiom
- simper
- smiley
- smiling
- smilingly
- stitch
Phrasal verb
smile onsomething/someone