South Carolinian
uk/ˌsaʊθ kær.əlˈaɪ.ni.ən/us/ˌsaʊθ ker.əˈlɪ.ni.ən/someone from the USstateofSouthCarolina:
南卡罗来纳州人He is anintenseSouthCarolinian, with aquick,drysenseofhumour.他是一个热情的南卡罗来纳人,常常会顺口说些别人一下子不太能明白的笑话。
In 1830,SouthCarolinian Richard Fitzpatrickestablishedaplantationon thenorthbankof the Miami River.1830年,南卡罗来纳人理查德·菲茨帕特里克在迈阿密河北岸建立了一个种植园。
- He is anativeSouthCarolinian who stillspeakswith asoftdrawl.
- Kathleen Wilsonbecamethe firstSouthCarolinian toswimtheEnglishChannel.
- Themelodywas written in the 1850s by aSouthCarolinian, William Steffe.
Towns & regions: named regions of countries
- Aberdeen City
- Aberdeenshire
- AK
- AL
- Alabama
- fife
- fl.
- Flintshire
- Florida
- Floridian
- Missourian
- MN
- Monmouthshire
- Montana
- Montanan
- Stirling
- Stirlingshire
- Strathclyde
- Suffolk
- the Sunbelt
South Carolinian
uk/ˌsaʊθ kær.əlˈaɪ.ni.ən/us/ˌsaʊθ ker.əˈlaɪ.ni.ən/belongingorrelatingto the USstateofSouthCarolina oritspeople:
南卡罗来纳州的;南卡罗来纳州人的Shelivesin theSouthCaroliniancityof Columbia.她住在南卡罗来纳州的哥伦比亚市。
SouthCarolinianteachersandparentsseemedsatisfiedwith thelevelofeducationspending.南卡罗来纳州的教师和家长似乎对教育方面的支出感到满意。
- Hespeakswith astrongSouthCarolinianaccent.
- SouthCarolinianslaveownerswantedpeoplewhoknewhow toraiserice.
- Shepledgednever tosignatradedealthat wouldcostanySouthCarolinianjobs.
Towns & regions: named regions of countries
- Aberdeen City
- Aberdeenshire
- AK
- AL
- Alabama
- fife
- fl.
- Flintshire
- Florida
- Floridian
- Missourian
- MN
- Monmouthshire
- Montana
- Montanan
- Stirling
- Stirlingshire
- Strathclyde
- Suffolk
- the Sunbelt