uk/splɪt/us/splɪt/present participlesplitting|past tense and past participlesplitsplitverb(DIVIDE)
to (causeto)divideinto two or moreparts,especiallyalong aparticularline:
(使)裂开;(使)分开Theprizewas splitbetweenSusan and Kate.这笔奖金被苏珊和凯特平分了。
Split theauberginesinhalfandcoverwithbreadcrumbs.把茄子切成两半,裹上面包屑。
Theteachersplit thechildren(up)intothreegroups.老师把孩子们分成3组。
informalI'll split(=share)thiscroissantwithyou.我和你分这个牛角面包。
Histrouserssplit when hetriedtojumpthefence.他试图翻过围栏时裤子裂开了。
[+ obj + adj]The woman had split herheadopen(= got along,deepwoundin herhead)when she wasthrownoff thehorse.那个女人从马上摔下来时,头上裂了个很深的大口子。
to break
- breakI didn't mean to break your phone.
- fractureLast year he fractured his skull.
- bustOne of the children has bust the computer.
- shatterThe ball hit the window and shattered it.
- smashI dropped the vase and it smashed.
- snapShe bent the ruler and it snapped.
裂开;爆裂Thewoodenfloorhadcrackedand split in theheat.木地板受热裂开了。
If thepeoplein anorganizationorgroupsplit, or if something splits them, theydisagreeandformsmallergroups:
(使)(组织或团体)分裂;(使)产生分歧Thechildcareissuehas split theemployers'group.儿童保育问题使雇主们产生了分歧。
Theunionexecutivehas splitdown themiddle(=dividedinto two equal-sizedgroupswhodisagreewith each other)on what to do next.工会执行委员会在下一步的动向问题上分裂成势均力敌的两派。
Agroupofextremistssplit(off)fromtheLabourPartytoforma new "WorkersParty".一些极端主义者从工党中分裂出来,成立了新的“工人党”。
split the difference
If you split thedifference, youagreeon anumberoramountthat isexactlyin themiddleof thedifferencebetween two othernumbersoramounts.
(在数字、数量等方面)折中,妥协- Opinions were splitcleanlybetween men and women.
- Theelectronicsdivisionwas split off into afreestandingcompany.
- Let's split thecostrightdown themiddle.
- Thefamilyis split down themiddleon thisissue.
- Pieces ofstonecan be split off byforcingwedgesbetween thelayers.
Separating and dividing
- apheresis
- atomize
- bifurcate
- bifurcation
- bisect
- clove
- cloven
- dissociate
- dissociateyourselffromsomething
- dissociation
- disunite
- disunity
- fracture
- hive
- polarize
- polarized
- polarizer
- prophase
- pull
- unravel
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Tearing and breaking into pieces
Arguing & disagreeing
totellotherpeoplesecretanddamaginginformationabout someone:
告发,揭发TheyknewJosie wouldn't splitonthemtotheteacher.他们知道乔西不会向老师告发他们的。
Revealing secrets & becoming known
- (the) word is/gets outidiom
- anti-secrecy
- backchannel
- bare
- blowsomeone'scoveridiom
- blow/take the lid offsomethingidiom
- break
- declassify
- hold
- huddle
- Queen's evidence
- rat
- rat onsomeone/something
- reintroduce
- revealingly
- revelatory
- state's evidence
- tip
- transpire
- unload
- abandon
- abandonment
- absquatulate
- backward
- be ready to rollidiom
- move
- outgoing
- p.o.q.
- peel away/off
- piss off
- pull
- pull out
- pullsomethingoff
- sea
- strike
- takesomethingoff
- turfsomethingout
- vacate
- vamoose
- walk
split hairs
Phrasal verb
split up
uk/splɪt/us/splɪt/along,thinholein something where it hasbrokenapart:
裂缝;裂口Rain was getting in through a splitintheplasticsheeting.雨水从塑料薄膜的一处裂缝渗了进来。

Suthep Wongkhad/EyeEm/GettyImages
asituationin which agroupofpeopleisdividedintosmallergroupsbecause theydisagreeabout something:
分裂;分歧There is awideningsplitbetweenseniormanagersand therestof theworkforce.高层经理们和其他员工之间的分歧越来越大。
Thetaxissuehascauseda splitin/withinthegovernment.税收问题导致政府内部产生了分裂。
There was a 75/25 splitinthevoting.双方在投票中各赢得了75%和25%的选票。
the splits[plural](USalsoa split[singular])
theactionofsittingon thefloorwithyourlegsstraightout andflatalong thefloorinoppositedirections:
劈叉,劈腿动作Can youdothe splits?你能劈叉吗?
She does abackwardglidingthing when she's doing a split.

fizkes/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Holes, hollows and dips
- anti-crack
- aperture
- blistered
- chink
- cranny
- cratering
- escape hatch
- gouge
- hollow
- imprint
- intake
- interstice
- leak
- leaky
- nook
- nooks and cranniesidiom
- piercing
- pinprick
- shaft
- void
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Arguing & disagreeing
Exercising & training
Dance & choreography