Spanish omelette
uk/ˌspæn.ɪʃ ˈɒm.lət/us/ˌspæn.ɪʃ ˈɑː.mə.lət/athickomelette(= aflat, roundfoodmade byfryingeggsthat have beenmixedtogether), withpotatoand sometimesonionor othervegetablesin it:
西班牙煎蛋饼Hedecidedto make her aSpanishomeletteforbreakfast.他决定给她做一个西班牙煎蛋饼当早餐。
You could have asliceofSpanishomeletteinsteadof asandwich.你可以吃一片西班牙煎蛋饼来代替三明治。

Daniel Rocal - PHOTOGRAPHY/Moment/GettyImages
- MymumEncarnacion used tocookusSpanishomelette.
- Tortilla española is alsoknownasSpanishomeletteand is not at all the same asMexicantortillas.
- TheSpanishomelette, if made withcare, should be aquivering,tendersliceoftinyyellowpotatoesandsweetonions.
- One of myfavouritetapasis abigSpanishomelettecutintocubesservedcoldwithtoothpicks.
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