speak out/up
phrasal verbwithspeakverbuk/spiːk/us/spiːk/spoke|spoken
to giveyouropinionabout something inpublic,especiallyon asubjectthat you havestrongfeelingsabout:
(尤指对有强烈感受的话题)公开发表意见,坦率说出If no one has thecouragetospeakoutagainstthesystem, things will neverimprove.如果没有人敢挺身而出反对现行体制,情况永远也不会改善。
to disagree with something by speaking or fighting against it
- opposeVillagers opposed plans to widen the carriageway.
- objectNo one objected to the decision.
- defyA few workers defied the decision to strike and went in to work.
- speak out againstMore and more people are speaking out against this unpopular law.
- stand out againstMore people are standing out against the corruption of the local government.
- declare againstUKShe declared against the new airport.
- Theyspokeout against theproposedlegislation.
- Someoneneedstospeakup for women'srights.
- Severalparentsspokeout against the use ofcorporalpunishment.
- If you have aproblemwith anything I've told you, thenspeakup now.
Expressing and asking opinions
- amirite
- apothegm
- come out
- couch
- day
- editorialize
- express
- far
- propound
- put
- run
- runsomethingbysomeone
- screed
- should've
- soapbox
- sound off
- talk
- vociferously
- would
- wouldn't