board noun (WOOD )
B2 [C ] athin,flatpieceofcutwoodor other hardmaterial, often used for aparticularpurpose:
(有特定用途的)薄木板;板;牌子 Cheeses werelaidout on a board.
There was a "For Sale" boardoutsidethehouse. 房子外有一块“待售”牌。
See also backboard
chopping board
cutting board
serving board
nantonov/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
A2 [C ] aflatpieceofwoodor other hardmaterialwith aspecialpatternon it, used forplayinggames:
A1 [C ] ablackboard orwhiteboard :
黑板或白板 Theteacherwrotehernameup onthe board. 老师在黑板上写下了她的名字。
A2 [C ] anoticeboard UK :
布告板,公告栏 Istuckthenotice(up) onthe board. 我把通知贴在了公告栏上。
Image Source/GettyImages
[C ] adiving board :
(跳水用的)跳板 Idivedoff thetopboard today, Dad. 爸爸,我今天是从最高的跳板跳水的。
Jena Ardell/Moment/GettyImages
the boards [plural ]
thewoodenfencesurroundingtheicesurfaceinicehockey :
(冰球场周围的)护板 He'dcrashedinto the boards andhurthislegquitebadly.
old-fashioned thestagein atheatre:
舞台 It was over twodecadessince he hadtrodden the boards(=actedin atheatre) .
See more Today'sspecialsare written on the board. Hestuckup anoticeon the board withpins. Headvertiseshisserviceson thecompanynoticeboard. When it was histurntodive, hegulpedandsteppedup onto thedivingboard. The man'sbodywas asstiffas a board when it wasfoundin thesnow. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTypes of wood
balsa wood beech boxwood cedar deal dyewood Eastern white pine fir hardwood knotty mahogany maple matchwood mulga plywood softwood spruce teak timber walnut See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Board games
Publishing: paper & stationery
Schools in general
board noun (PEOPLE )
C1 [C usually singular ,+ sing/pl verb ] thegroupofpeoplewho areresponsibleforcontrollingandorganizingacompanyororganization:
董事会;理事会;委员会 Everydecisionhas to beapprovedbythe board(ofdirectors) . 每项决定都必须由董事会通过。
Shestartedin thefirmaftercollegeand now she'son the board/a boardmember . 她大学毕业以后开始在这家公司工作,现在已经是董事会成员了。
UK The boardofgovernors meet/meetsonceamonthtodiscussschoolpolicy.学校董事会每月集会一次讨论学校政策。
Thedecisionwill have to beratifiedby theexecutiveboard. There's a board of fivedirectors, but she is the Managing Director. There is apredominanceofpeoplewith anartsdegreeon the board ofgovernors. Shepersuadedthe board of herworthinesstorunthecompany. Theeditorialboard has anexpertwith a world-widereputationin thepersonof Professor Jameson. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBosses & managers
administration anti-management C-suite CAO captain of industry co-partner co-president comptroller coo coordinator industrialist layer line manager majordomo management slave driver sleeping partner superboard superintendent supervisor See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Organizations - position & status
board noun (EXAM )
boards [plural ] US informal
anofficialexaminationgiven by somemedicalandbusinessorganizationsin the US:
(美国某些医疗、商业组织举行的)执业考试 This is my lastchancetopassthe boards. 这是我最后一次通过执业考试的机会了。
See more
board noun (TRANSPORT )
on board (or on boardsomething )
B1 on aboat,train, oraircraft:
在船(或火车、飞机)上 Assoonas I was on board, Ibeganto have secondthoughtsaboutleaving. 我一上车就开始动摇要不要走了。
See more
board noun (MEALS )
B2 [U ] mealsprovidedwhen you arestayingsomewhere, usually formoney
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAccommodating people
accommodate billet board and lodging boarding and lodging camp deinstitutionalize full board institutionalize modified American plan non-residential noninstitutionalized placement quarter rehouse resettle resettlement room and board seat self-catering sleep See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Idioms across the board
go by the board
on board
takesomething on board
board verb (GET ON )
B1 [I orT ] to get onto orallowpeopleto get onto aboat,train, oraircraft:
(使)上(船、火车或飞机) At Londonairportshe boarded aplanetoAustralia. 在伦敦机场她登上了去澳大利亚的飞机。
Willpassengerswaitingto boardpleasego to theticketcounter? 请各位候机的旅客去检票口。
Theplatformwascrammedwithpeopletryingto board thetrain. I took out atravelinsurancepolicybefore I boarded theplane. They boarded ashipthat wassailingthe nextday. He wasthoughtto have boarded theplanein New York. Flight 474 to Buenos Aires is now boarding atgate9. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBoarding and alighting from modes of transport
alight bestride climb debark deplane disembark disembarkation dismount embark embarkation entrain get get off get on get out hop mount reboard settle straddle See more results »
board verb (STAY )
[I ] topaytosleepandeatmealsin someone'shouse:
寄宿 During hisstayinEnglandhe boardedwith afamilyin Bath. 他在英格兰逗留期间寄宿在巴斯的一户人家。
[I ] tosleepandeatatschoolduring theschoolterm :
(在学校)住校 When you went toschoolwere you adaystudentor did you board? 你上学时是走读还是住校?
[T ] UK toarrangefor apetanimalto betemporarilytakencareof at aplaceother thanitshome:
将(宠物)暂时寄养在他处 He boards thedogout when he goes onbusinesstrips. 他出差时把狗寄养在别处。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLiving or sleeping somewhere
abide co-resident co-residential domiciled dwell inhospitable live in live in sin idiom live out occupancy populate reoccupation repopulate repopulation reside residence settle slum tenancy warehousing See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
board verb (SLIDE )
[I ] toslideon thesnowbystandingon aspeciallyshapedboard:
Ilovetogo boarding in thewinter.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWinter sports
airboard airboarder airboarding Alpine skiing après-ski biathlon bobsleigh grooming machine ice skater ice skating luge mush skating rink skier skiing slalom sledge sleigh snow groomer snowblade See more results »
board verb (HIT )
[I ] inicehockey , to make adangeroushitthatsendsanopponentinto one of the boards thatsurroundtherink (=playingarea) :
He was given apenaltyfor boarding.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWinter sports
airboard airboarder airboarding Alpine skiing après-ski biathlon bobsleigh grooming machine ice skater ice skating luge mush skating rink skier skiing slalom sledge sleigh snow groomer snowblade See more results »
(Definition ofboard from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
board noun (WOOD )
B2 [C ] athin,flatpieceofcutwoodor other hardmaterial, often used for aparticularpurpose
(有特定用途的)薄木板;板;牌子 Cut thevegetableson achopping (US cutting ) board. 在切菜板上切菜。
There was a "For Sale" boardoutsidethehouse. 房子外有一块“待售”牌。
A2 [C ] aflatpieceofwoodor other hardmaterialwith aspecialpatternon it, used forplayinggames
A1 [C ] ablackboard orwhiteboard
黑板或白板 Theteacherwrotehernameup onthe board. 老师在黑板上写下了她的名字。
布告板,公告栏 Istuckthenotice(up) onthe board. 我把通知贴在了公告栏上。
(跳水用的)跳板 Idivedoff thetopboard today, Dad. 爸爸,我今天是从最高的跳板跳水的。
the boards [plural ]
old-fashioned thestagein atheatre
Today'sspecialsare written on the board. Hestuckup anoticeon the board withpins. Headvertiseshisserviceson thecompanynoticeboard. When it was histurntodive, hegulpedandsteppedup onto thedivingboard. The man'sbodywas asstiffas a board when it wasfoundin thesnow.
board noun (PEOPLE )
C1 [C usually singular ,+ sing/pl verb ] thegroupofpeoplewho areresponsibleforcontrollingandorganizingacompanyororganization
董事会;理事会;委员会 Everydecisionhas to beapprovedbythe board(ofdirectors) . 每项决定都必须由董事会通过。
Shestartedin thefirmaftercollegeand now she'son the board/a boardmember . 她大学毕业以后开始在这家公司工作,现在已经是董事会成员了。
UK The boardofgovernors meet/meetsonceamonthtodiscussschoolpolicy.学校董事会每月集会一次讨论学校政策。
Thedecisionwill have to beratifiedby theexecutiveboard. There's a board of fivedirectors, but she is the Managing Director. There is apredominanceofpeoplewith anartsdegreeon the board ofgovernors. Shepersuadedthe board of herworthinesstorunthecompany. Theeditorialboard has anexpertwith a world-widereputationin thepersonof Professor Jameson.
board noun (EXAM )
boards [plural ] US informal
anofficialexaminationgiven by somemedicalandbusinessorganizationsin the US
(美国某些医疗、商业组织举行的)执业考试 This is my lastchancetopassthe boards. 这是我最后一次通过执业考试的机会了。
board noun (TRANSPORT )
on board
B1 on aboat,train, oraircraft
在船(或火车、飞机)上 Assoonas I was on board, Ibeganto have secondthoughtsaboutleaving. 我一上车就开始动摇要不要走了。
board noun (MEALS )
B2 [U ] mealsprovidedwhen you arestayingsomewhere, usually formoney
Idioms across the board
go by the board
on board
takesth on board
board verb (GET ON )
B1 [I orT ] to get onto orallowpeopleto get onto aboat,train, oraircraft
(使)上(船、火车或飞机) At Londonairportshe boarded aplanetoAustralia. 在伦敦机场她登上了去澳大利亚的飞机。
Willpassengerswaitingto boardpleasego to theticketcounter? 请各位候机的旅客去检票口。
Theplatformwascrammedwithpeopletryingto board thetrain. I took out atravelinsurancepolicybefore I boarded theplane. They boarded ashipthat wassailingthe nextday. He wasthoughtto have boarded theplanein New York. Flight 474 to Buenos Aires is now boarding atgate9.
board verb (STAY )
[I ] topaytosleepandeatmealsin someone'shouse
寄宿 During hisstayinEnglandhe boardedwith afamilyin Bath. 他在英格兰逗留期间寄宿在巴斯的一户人家。
[I ] tosleepandeatatschoolduring theschoolterm
(在学校)住校 When you went toschoolwere you adaystudentor did you board? 你上学时是走读还是住校?
[T ] UK toarrangefor apetanimalto betemporarilytakencareof at aplaceother thanitshome
将(宠物)暂时寄养在他处 He boards thedogout when he goes onbusinesstrips. 他出差时把狗寄养在别处。
board | American Dictionary
board noun (FLAT PIECE )
[C ] athin,flatpieceof hardmaterialsuch aswoodorplastic:
Thefloorboards of theoldhousesqueakedas hewalkedacrossthem.
[C ] A board is also aflatpieceof hardmaterialthat is made to be used for aparticularpurpose:
[C ] A board can be achalkboard.
[C ] A board can also be acircuitboard.
board noun (PEOPLE )
[C ] thegroupofpeoplewho areresponsibleforcontrollingtheoperationof apublicorprivateorganization:
Shesitson the board of severallargecompanies.
board noun (MEALS )
[U ] mealsprovidedwhen you arestayingsomewhere
board verb (GET ON )
[I/T ] to get onto orallowpeopleto get onto anaircraft,train, orship:
[I ] Flight 701 to Los Angeles is now boarding atgate14A.
board verb (MEALS )
[T ] toarrangefor ananimalto betemporarilytakencareof andfedat aplaceother thanitshome:
[T ] We boardourdogsat thekennelwhen we go away.
(Definition ofboard from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
(also board of directors ) thegroupofpeoplewhoshareholderschoosetomanageacompanyororganization:
The board hasdecidedtorejecttheoffer.
Clubmanager, Gomez,insistshe has thefullbackingof the board.
be/sit/have a seat on the board Hesaton the board of the WPP Group for over tenyears.
step down/stand down/resign from the board She willstanddown from the board at theforthcomingAGM.
At theageof 27, she is theyoungestmembertojointhe board .
anemergencyboardmeeting .
a non-executiveboardmember
Compare board of directors
board of trustees
management board
[C ] MANAGEMENT agroupofpeoplewho areresponsiblefor makingrulesanddecisionsonbehalfof anorganization:
Acomplaintwasfiledwith thestatemedicalboard.
[C ] IT
(also circuit board ) aflatobjectcoveredwithsmallmetalelectricalconnectionsthatcreateone or morecircuits , used incomputersand otherelectronicequipment:
(also noticeboard ) aflatobjecton awallon whichinformationcan befixed:
There is alistofnameson the boardoutsidemyoffice.
[U ]
(also board and lodging ) aroomandmealsthat areprovidedfor someone who isstayingaway fromhome, forexamplein ahotel:
Thepackageincludesfoodand board .
the boards
WORKPLACE examinationsgiven by somebusinessorganizationsin the US:
Thebeststrategyforpassingthe boards is tostudyearly and often.
be above board
Pay-offs and all otherfinancialdealingswereruledto have been above board.
across the board
affectingallareas,partsof anorganization,people, etc.involvedin aparticularsituation:
The new 18%taxratewillapplyacrossthe board.
be/come/get on board
to be orstartto beinvolvedin anactivity:
Makesureallseniormanagersare on board andinvolvedin theinternetstrategy.
bring/get sb on board
to make someonebecomeinvolvedin anactivity:
Aconsultancyfirmwasbroughton board toensureconsistencyandcompatibility.
on board
TRANSPORT travellingon aplane,ship, ortrain:
Theaircrafthad 92passengerson board.
take sth on board
toaccepta newidea,methodofworking, etc.:
It'simportantthat we take on board theenvironmentalconcernsofconsumers.
See also advertising board
appeals board
bulletin board
examination board
full board
half board
marketing board
message board
oversight board
printed circuit
review board
supervisory board
tourist board
TRANSPORT ifpassengersboard aplane,ship, ortrain, or if aplane,ship, ortrainis boarding,passengersget on to it before thestartof ajourney:
Flight 2864 to Frankfurt is now boarding at Gate 12.
(Definition ofboard from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof board board
This is evident in changes of the nomenclature of family planningboard to family welfare organization. From theCambridge English Corpus
Each move consists of a jump by one man over one or more other men, the men jumped over being removed from theboard . From theCambridge English Corpus
After it was disbanded, he took the lead in a number of other projects together with some of the otherboard members. From theCambridge English Corpus
On closer viewing, the individual boards and the grain of the timber are revealed as traces of construction. From theCambridge English Corpus
Poverty was the main reason why children were boarded out, frequently associated with loss of parents and difficulties in providing for a large household. From theCambridge English Corpus
The government therefore set up a marketing-board type of purchasing arrangement, with higher, fixed producer prices. From theCambridge English Corpus
Although the basic pattern is the same in 1995 as in 1975, recruitment ofboard chairmen has still changed significantly for both types of organizations. From theCambridge English Corpus
No single minister was responsible for either the actions of hisboard , or the conduct of government in its area of activity. From theCambridge English Corpus
However, they argue that research boards need agreed-on ethical standards so that the health services research community can adopt uniformly good practices. From theCambridge English Corpus
To these ends, the industry kept records of the boards' rulings in order to avoid costly editing that the censors might order. From theCambridge English Corpus
These gifts not only endeared him to many friends and colleagues but made him a valued member of boards and committees. From theCambridge English Corpus
This is a dual responsibility that the media is simply not equipped to take onboard . From theCambridge English Corpus
Evidence suggests that this governingboard regularly exercises effective oversight of the president's activities. From theCambridge English Corpus
At the drawingboard the struggle is to find that difficult synthesis that, when discovered, seems self-evidently correct. From theCambridge English Corpus
Subjects were asked to par tic ipate and informed consent was obtained prior to administering for this internal reviewboard -approved study. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith board board These are words often used in combination withboard .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
advisory board
The feedback was discussed by theadvisory board , who produced a second draft questionnaire.
From theCambridge English Corpus
appointed board
It has an appointed board of directors who are paid.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
board certification
If a strike by residents were prolonged or if it backfired and resulted in their dismissal, the strike might interfere with theirboard certification .
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.