approvinguk/ˌspɒn.təˈneɪ.ə.ti/us/ˌspɑːn.tənˈeɪ.ə.t̬i/thequalityof beingnaturalratherthanplannedinadvance:
自发;发乎自然You should notworkout theentiremockinterviewbeforehandor you willlosetheelementof spontaneity.你不应该事先准备一整套模拟面试,否则你会失去自发性的因素。
Thescripthas arefreshingspontaneity andsparkle.脚本具有令人耳目一新的自然率真,充满亮点。
a way ofbehavingin which you do whatfeelsnaturaland goodwheneveryouwantto,ratherthanplanningthings first:
自然率真的举止;天然无矫饰的举止I gotfedup with hisprocrastinatingandlackof spontaneity.我厌倦了他的拖延和造作。
He isattemptingtoholdon to thehumourand spontaneity of hisyouth.他试图保持年轻时的幽默和率真。
- The spontaneity of anightout isnon-existentwhen you have achild
- Much of herconversationlacksspontaneity.
- When I firstmetNorah, I wasimmediatelyimpressedby herconfidenceand spontaneity.
- Kate has a spontaneity about her that not manyactresseshave.
Not expected or planned
- abruptly
- abruptness
- ad hoc
- ad hocism
- ad hockery
- extemporize
- hoof
- inconceivably
- innocent
- innocently
- instinctive
- instinctively
- sine die
- spirit
- spontaneous
- spontaneously
- steepness
- unannounced
- unwitting
- unwittingly