theseasonof theyearbetweenwinterandsummer,lastingfromMarchtoJunenorthof theequator, and fromSeptembertoDecembersouthof theequator, when theweatherbecomeswarmer,leavesandplantsstarttogrowagain andflowersappear:
春天,春季Manybulbsbloomin (the)spring.很多球茎植物春天开花。
Janet's coming over for acoupleofweeksnextspring.珍妮特明年春天要来这儿呆几个星期。
It's been a verywetspring.今年春天雨很多。
a springday/morning春日白天/早晨
- Cutting thebushback in theautumnwillhelppromotevigorousgrowthin the spring.
- Theshorthemlineis very much invoguethis spring.
- Wedecidedto have a springbreakinParis.
- Theblackbird, like mostbirds,breedsin the spring.
- Thepapersarepredictingthat theprimeministerwillcallanelectionin the spring.
The seasons
- autumn
- autumnal
- clock
- dead
- estival
- fall
- in the dead of night/winteridiom
- in the depth(s) of winteridiom
- monsoon
- season
- seasonal
- seasonality
- seasonally
- spring fever
- springtime
- summer
- vernal
- winter
- wintertime
springnoun(CURVED METAL)
apieceofcurvedorbentmetalthat can bepressedinto asmallerspacebut thenreturnstoitsusualshape:
弹簧,发条Thechildrenhavejumpedon thecouchso much that they'veruinedthe springs.孩子们老是在沙发上跳来跳去的,把弹簧都弄坏了。

Miguel Gómez Maraver/EyeEm/GettyImages
something'sabilitytoreturntoitsusualshapeafter it has beenpressed:
弹性,弹力Over theyearsthemattresshaslostitsspring.几年下来,床垫失去了弹性。
Spherical, circular and annular objects
- air bubble
- bead
- bobbin
- bobble
- bowling ball
- disc
- egg
- game ball
- glob
- globe
- hoop
- knob
- pearl
- pellet
- pelleted
- ring
- sphere
- spheroid
- spool
- tubal
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Flexible, loose and yielding
aplacewherewaternaturallyflowsout from theground:

Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Moment/GettyImages
Parts of watercourses
- artesian well
- backwater
- basin
- confluence
- drainage basin
- estuarine
- firth
- head
- interbasin
- interchannel
- lock
- lock-keeper
- meander
- mooring
- mouth
- narrows
- reach
- tributary
- water table
- weir
a spring inyourstep
verb[Iusually+ adv/prep]
uk/sprɪŋ/us/sprɪŋ/sprangorUSalsosprung|sprungspringverb[I usually + adv/prep](MOVE QUICKLY)
tomovequicklyandsuddenlytowards aparticularplace:
跳,跃,蹦I sprang out ofbedtoanswerthedoor.我从床上跳起来去开门。
Theorganizationisreadyto springintoaction(=starttakingaction)themomentitreceivesitsfunding.那个组织已准备好了,一得到资金就立即采取行动。
He always springstohisfeetwhen shewalksin theroom.她走进房间时,他总是会立即站起来。
figurativeInoticedthe way you sprangtohisdefencewhen Carolinestartedjokingabout hisclothes.我注意到,卡罗琳打趣他的穿着时,你立刻就开始为他辩护了。
Thelidof theboxsprangshut.盒盖啪的一下关上了。
to move fast
- speedHe ran back to his car and sped off.
- raceShe raced over and hugged me.
- flyShe flew across the room just in time to stop the baby falling off the chair.
- beltUKTraffic was belting along the motorway.
- tearA fire truck came tearing down the road.
- streakBullets streaked across the sky.
Moving quickly
- agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- careen
- career
- gallop
- gun
- leg
- outsail
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scramble
- scud
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot
springverb[I usually + adv/prep](APPEAR SUDDENLY)
突然出现;涌现"Where did you springfrom? - I didn'tseeyou come in!"“你从那儿冒出来的?——我都没见你进来!”
Appearing & disappearing
- appear
- Bermuda Triangle
- bubble up
- creep
- creep in/creep intosomething
- deliquesce
- filter
- hove
- melt away
- re-emergence
- reappear
- reappearance
- rear
- rematerialize
- sprout
- vanish
- vanish/go up/disappear in a puff of smokeidiom
- vanishing
- wear
- wind
spring to life
spring to mind
Phrasal verbs
spring forsomething
spring fromsomething
spring up
USuk/sprɪŋ/us/sprɪŋ/(UKsprung)(offurniture) usingsprings(=curvedpiecesofmetal)to givesupport
(家具)装有弹簧的,有弹簧支撑的Flexible, loose and yielding
- adrift
- bendable
- bendy
- ductile
- ductility
- flowing
- fullness
- jointed
- limply
- limpness
- loose-fitting
- pliant
- pliantly
- relax
- rubbery
- slack
- slacken
- tensile
- unstuck
- yielding
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Furniture & fittings - general words