a set ofstairsinside abuilding, usually with abarfixedon thewallor ontoverticalpolesat thesidefor you toholdon to:
(建筑物内通常带有扶手的)楼梯Shedescendedthesweeping(=longandwide)staircase into thecrowdofphotographersandjournalists.她走下又长又宽的楼梯,来到摄影师和记者中间。
Aspiralstaircaseleadsup to the secondfloor.

pigphoto/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Theballroomisdominatedby anenormousmarblestaircase.
- Theyclimbedthewoodenstaircase into theroofspace.
- Anoriginalgrandstaircase also waspreserved.
Parts of buildings: stairs & lifts
- chairlift
- chute
- drag lift
- dumb waiter
- elevator
- escalator
- fire escape
- flight
- ladder
- lift
- riser
- rope ladder
- rung
- stair
- stairlift
- stairway
- stepladder
- stoep
- stoop
uk/ˈsteə.keɪs/us/ˈster.keɪs/tograduallybuymore of apropertyfrom apersonorcompanythat alsoownspartof theproperty:
Only 10% of those insharedownershipchoseto staircase.
You need tocontactyourhousingproviderand givenoticethat youintendto staircase.
- You cannot staircase if there are anyarrearsofinterestpaymentsonyourmortgageaccount.
- How manytimescan you staircase?
- Avaluationis used tocalculatetheamountrequiredto staircaseyourloan.
Mortgages & real estate
- blockbusting
- brick
- bricks and mortaridiom
- buy-to-let
- chain
- equity
- first-time buyer
- householder
- letting
- planning blight
- real estate broker
- Realtor
- realty
- realty office
- refinance
- remortgage
- repo
- repossession
- reverse mortgage