steel band
uk/ˌstiːl ˈbænd/us/ˌstiːl ˈbænd/agroupofmusicianswhoplaylargemetaldrums, sometimes made fromoilcontainers:
The Caribbean-flavouredfestivalincludessteelbandsand a three-mileparade.
Asteelbandarrangementof "Yellow Bird"thumpedandjangledfrom thespeakers.

Heritage Images/Hulton Archive/GettyImages
- Thesteelbandsand theparadeare thetrueessenceofcarnival.
- Steelbandsfrom Trinidad and Tobago, undisputably thebestof thebest, nowtravelall over theworld.
- Shecaughttheplaintivemelodyof asteelbandbeingplayedalongway off.
Groups of musicians
- band
- big band
- boy band
- brass band
- chamber orchestra
- duo
- ensemble
- gamelan
- group
- marching band
- military band
- octet
- pop group
- quartet
- quintet
- rhythm section
- septet
- tribute band
- trio
- wind