释义 |
B1tomovebyliftingyourfootand putting it down in a differentplace, or to putyourfooton or in something: 跨步,迈步;踩,踏 She steppedbackwardsandfellover achair.她向后退,被一把椅子绊倒。 They steppedoutonto thebalcony.他们走出房间来到阳台上。 Becarefulnot to stepinthemud.小心,别踩进泥里。 Ow, you steppedonmyfoot!噢,你踩到我的脚了! mainlyUSSorry but Mr Taylor has just stepped(= gone)outfor a fewminutes, but I'lltellhim you called.很抱歉,泰勒先生刚刚出去几分钟,我会告诉他你打过电话了。 formalStep this wayplease,sir.您这边请,先生。 - I stepped on anailstickingout of thefloorboards.
- Islippedas I stepped onto theplatform.
- When it was histurntodive, hegulpedand stepped up onto thedivingboard.
- He stepped out into thenightand thewhirlingsnow.
- I stepped out of thebuildingandimmediatelyabulletwhistledpast myhead.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWalking and walkers - bring/callsomething/someoneto heelidiom
- cavalcade
- constitutional
- foot traffic
- heel
- hiker
- hiking
- hoof itidiom
- rambler
- retread
- shanks's pony
- sleepwalk
- sleepwalking
- somnambulate
- stretch
- walkabout
- walkies
- walking
- walking pole
- walking stick
See more results » Idiomsstep back (in time) step into the breach step on it step out of line step up to the plate Phrasal verbsstep aside step aside/down step away step back stepsomethingdown step forward step in step intosomething step onsomeone step out onsomeone stepnoun(STAGE)B2[C]astagein aprocess: 步骤;阶段 What's the next step in theprocess?这个项目的下一步是什么? We muststayone stepaheadofourcompetitors.我们必须领先我们的竞争对手一步。 Mostpeoplebelievethat thedecisiontocutinterestrateswas a stepin therightdirection.大多数人相信降低利率是朝正确方向迈出的一步。 Let's take thingsastep/onestepat atime(=slowly).我们一步一步来。 Following thesuccessofourproductsinEurope,ourlogicalnextstep is tomoveinto the Americanmarket.随着我们的产品在欧洲获得成功,进入美国市场便顺理成章地成了我们的下一步。 B2[C]anactionin aseriesofactionstaken for aparticularpurpose: (一系列行动中的)一步;措施 Thecountryistakingitsfirsttentativesteps towardsdemocracy.这个国家正在朝着民主迈出尝试性的第一步。 We need totakedrasticstepstoreducepollution.我们需要采取严厉措施减少污染。 Thepresidenttooktheunusualstepofalteringhispreparedspeechinordertocondemntheterroristattack.总统为了谴责恐怖主义袭击,采取了极不寻常的做法,临时更改了事先准备好的讲稿。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesnecessary action - actionThey are considering legal action.
- course of actionThey have not yet decided on a particular course of action.
- measureMeasures are in place to prevent flooding.
- stepThese simple steps will ensure that infections are not spread.
See more results » Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto take action - take actionIt may already be too late to take action to prevent the loss of habitat these animals face.
- actThey need to act decisively to prevent further damage to crops.
- take measuresWe call on the government to take the necessary measures to bring to justice those responsible for this attack.
- take stepsThe authorities have taken steps to prevent any reoccurrence of the problem.
- do somethingIt's about time the government did something about it.
See more results » step by step C1dealingwith one thing and then another thing in afixedorder: 逐步地,按部就班地,循序渐进地 step-by-stepinstructions逐步讲解的使用说明 Don'tworry- I'll go through theprocedurewith you step by step.别担心——我会和你一起一步一步地把整套程序过一遍。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesslowly - slowlyI got out of bed and walked slowly to the door.
- slowGo slower! I can't keep up.
- at a slow paceThey are easy hikes, done at a slow pace.
- at a slow speedYou only have to hit a pedestrian at a slow speed to kill them.
- at slow rateThe economy grew at a slower rate during the second half of the year.
See more results » - This newdrugcould be animportantstep in thefightagainstcancer.
- The first step inempoweringthepoorestsectionsofsocietyis makingsuretheyvote.
- Therecentfreeelectionsmarkthe next step in the country'sprogresstowardsdemocracy.
- It's abigstep,leavingyourparentsand going off touniversity.
- So what's the next step? How do weprogressthesituation?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStages & phases - beta
- early-stage
- early-term
- in phase/out of phaseidiom
- interstage
- landmark
- leg
- multi-phase
- multi-step
- multiphasic
- partway
- period
- phase
- point
- shovel-ready
- stage
- stepping stone
- tertiary
- the home straight
- twilight
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: stepnoun(STAIR)B1[C]one of thesurfacesthat youwalkon when you go up or downstairs: 台阶,梯级 aflightof steps一段台阶 We had toclimbsome steps toreachthefrontdoor.我们得爬几级台阶才能到大门前。 Iaskedthem toleavetheparcelon the(front)step(=outsidethedoorto thehouse).我让他们把包裹放在门口。 Mind thestep as youleavethetrain.下火车时请小心脚下。 It'sdifficultforpeopleinwheelchairstonegotiate(=moveup and down)steps.坐轮椅的人上下楼梯很困难。 One of the stepsontheladderisbroken.梯子上有一个梯级坏了。  timefreeze/RooM/GettyImages steps[plural]UK another word forstepladder: (stepladder 的另一种说法)kitchensteps厨房用梯凳 librarysteps图书馆用活梯 - Sheclungto thehandrailas shewalkeddown theslipperysteps.
- Hedislocatedhiskneefallingdown some steps.
- I can'tfacewalkingup all those steps again.
- There's alongflightof stepsascendingto thecathedraldoors.
- She can'twalkup all those steps, not with herbadleg!
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesParts of buildings: stairs & lifts - chairlift
- chute
- drag lift
- dumb waiter
- elevator
- escalator
- fire escape
- flight
- ladder
- lift
- riser
- rope ladder
- rung
- stair
- staircase
- stairlift
- stepladder
- stoep
- stoop
See more results » stepnoun(FOOT MOVEMENT)B1[C]theactofliftingonefootand putting it down on a differentpartof theground, such as when youwalkorrun: 迈步;脚步 Sophietookher first steps when she was elevenmonthsold.索菲11个月大时迈出了第一步。 Heroseto hisfeetandtookacoupleof stepstowardsher.他站起身来,朝她的方向走了几步。 Withevery step, herfeethurther more and more.每走一步,她的双脚就疼得更厉害一些。 Iretracedmy steps,lookingfor mylostkeys.我原路折回,寻找丢失的钥匙。 [C]thedistanceyoucoverwhen you take a step: 一步(的距离) I'd only gone a few steps when IrealizedI'dforgottentolockthedoor.我刚向前走了几步就意识到我忘了锁门。 [U]the way youmoveyourfeetwhen you arewalkingorrunning, which can sometimes show how you arefeeling: 步态;步伐 Shewalkedout of theofficewithaspringinher step(= in a way thatshowedshe washappy).她迈着轻快的步子走出了办公室。 Thedrivertold us tomind/watchourstep(=walkcarefully)as we got off thebus.我们下公交车时,司机提醒我们当心脚下。 [C]aparticularmovementthat you make withyourfeetwhen youdance: 舞步 She'steachingme somebasicdancesteps.她在教我一些基本的舞步。 in step Whenpeoplewalkin step, theylifttheirfeetoff thegroundand put them down again at the sametime: 齐步,步伐一致Thesoldiersmarchedin step.士兵们齐步前进。 used to say thatopinions,ideas, orwaysoflivingthat are the same as those of otherpeople: (意见、观点或生活方式)合拍,协调,一致Televisioncompaniesneed tokeepin stepwithpublicopinion.电视公司需要顺应民意。 out of step When someone is out of step, they do notliftthe samefootand put it down again at the sametimeas otherpeople: 不合节拍,步伐错乱I'm no good atdancing- I always getcompletelyout of step.我不擅长跳舞——总是踩不到点上。 used to say thatopinions,ideas, orwaysoflivingthat are different from those of otherpeople: (意见、观点或生活方式)不合拍,不一致,不协调The Republicans are out of stepwiththecountry, Williams said.威廉姆斯说,共和党人和国民的立场格格不入。 Hethinksthat everyone is out of step except him.他认为只有他是对的,其他所有人都是错的。 - He took a stepbackwardstoallowher topass.
- She took a fewfalteringsteps.
- He tookshortmincingsteps.
- Shewalkedslowlywithtotteringsteps.
- Take acoupleof stepsforwards.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWalking and walkers - bring/callsomething/someoneto heelidiom
- cavalcade
- constitutional
- foot traffic
- heel
- hiker
- hiking
- hoof itidiom
- rambler
- retread
- shanks's pony
- sleepwalk
- sleepwalking
- somnambulate
- stretch
- walkabout
- walkies
- walking
- walking pole
- walking stick
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Dance & choreography Simultaneous and consecutive Describing people with the same qualities Different and difference Unique and unusual stepnoun(MUSIC)[C]thedifferenceinpitchbetween twonotesthat are next to each other in thewesternmusicalscale 音阶 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTechnical music terms - accidental
- aleatory
- andante
- antiphonal
- arpeggio
- arr.
- discord
- dissonance
- harmonic
- harmony
- key signature
- longa
- mike check
- slur
- stepwise
- syncopate
- syncopated
- syncopation
- tempo
- trill
See more results » Idiomsa few/couple of steps watchyourstep one step forward, two steps back a step backwards a step forward used withnounsshowingafamilyrelationshipto show that thepersonis notyourbiological(=relatedbybirth)relative, but ispartofyourstepfamily(= afamilythat isformedby twopeopleand thechildorchildrenof one or both of them from apreviousrelationship): He hasrecentlyremarriedand now has threestepchildrenand a step-grandson. They have astepsisterandstepbrothernearlytheirownagefromtheirfather's secondmarriage. Hisparentshaddivorcedwhen he wasyoung, and hegrewup with hismother,half-sisterandstepfather. - I have a step-son who is 12.
- My step-daughterrecentlycame tolivewith us.
- Shewasupsetabout having toshareabedroomwith her newstepsister.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFamily: non-blood relations - auntie
- blended family
- brother-in-law
- co-brother
- co-sister
- goddaughter
- godfather
- godmother
- godparent
- godson
- nonbiologically
- sister-in-law
- son-in-law
- stepbrother
- stepchild
- stepmother
- stepmum
- stepparent
- stepsister
- stepson
See more results » (Definition ofstepfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)B1tomovebyliftingyourfootand putting it down in a differentplace, or to putyourfooton or in something 跨步,迈步;踩,踏She steppedbackwardsandfellover achair.她向后退,被一把椅子绊倒。 They steppedoutonto thebalcony.他们走出房间来到阳台上。 Becarefulnot to stepinthemud.小心,别踩进泥里。 Ow, you steppedonmyfoot!噢,你踩到我的脚了! mainlyUSSorry but Mr Taylor has just stepped(= gone)outfor a fewminutes, but I'lltellhim you called.很抱歉,泰勒先生刚刚出去几分钟,我会告诉他你打过电话了。 formalStep this wayplease,sir.您这边请,先生。 - I stepped on anailstickingout of thefloorboards.
- Islippedas I stepped onto theplatform.
- When it was histurntodive, hegulpedand stepped up onto thedivingboard.
- He stepped out into thenightand thewhirlingsnow.
- I stepped out of thebuildingandimmediatelyabulletwhistledpast myhead.
Idiomsstep back (in time) step into the breach step on it step out of line step up to the plate Phrasal verbsstep aside step aside/down step back stepsthdown step forward step in step intosth step onsb step out onsb step up stepnoun(STAGE)步骤;阶段What's the next step in theprocess?这个项目的下一步是什么? We muststayone stepaheadofourcompetitors.我们必须领先我们的竞争对手一步。 Mostpeoplebelievethat thedecisiontocutinterestrateswas a stepin therightdirection.大多数人相信降低利率是朝正确方向迈出的一步。 Let's take thingsastep/onestepat atime(=slowly).我们一步一步来。 Following thesuccessofourproductsinEurope,ourlogicalnextstep is tomoveinto the Americanmarket.随着我们的产品在欧洲获得成功,进入美国市场便顺理成章地成了我们的下一步。 B2[C]anactionin aseriesofactionstaken for aparticularpurpose (一系列行动中的)一步;措施Thecountryistakingitsfirsttentativesteps towardsdemocracy.这个国家正在朝着民主迈出尝试性的第一步。 We need totakedrasticstepstoreducepollution.我们需要采取严厉措施减少污染。 Thepresidenttooktheunusualstepofalteringhispreparedspeechinordertocondemntheterroristattack.总统为了谴责恐怖主义袭击,采取了极不寻常的做法,临时更改了事先准备好的讲稿。 step by step C1dealingwith one thing and then another thing in afixedorder 逐步地,按部就班地,循序渐进地step-by-stepinstructions逐步讲解的使用说明 Don'tworry- I'll go through theprocedurewith you step by step.别担心——我会和你一起一步一步地把整套程序过一遍。 - This newdrugcould be animportantstep in thefightagainstcancer.
- The first step inempoweringthepoorestsectionsofsocietyis makingsuretheyvote.
- Therecentfreeelectionsmarkthe next step in the country'sprogresstowardsdemocracy.
- It's abigstep,leavingyourparentsand going off touniversity.
- So what's the next step? How do weprogressthesituation?
stepnoun(STAIR)B1[C]one of thesurfacesthat youwalkon when you go up or downstairs 台阶,梯级aflightof steps一段台阶 We had toclimbsome steps toreachthefrontdoor.我们得爬几级台阶才能到大门前。 Iaskedthem toleavetheparcelon the(front)step(=outsidethedoorto thehouse).我让他们把包裹放在门口。 Mind thestep as youleavethetrain.下火车时请小心脚下。 It'sdifficultforpeopleinwheelchairstonegotiate(=moveup and down)steps.坐轮椅的人上下楼梯很困难。 One of the stepsontheladderisbroken.梯子上有一个梯级坏了。 steps[plural]UK another word forstepladder (stepladder 的另一种说法)kitchensteps厨房用梯凳 librarysteps图书馆用活梯 - Sheclungto thehandrailas shewalkeddown theslipperysteps.
- Hedislocatedhiskneefallingdown some steps.
- I can'tfacewalkingup all those steps again.
- There's alongflightof stepsascendingto thecathedraldoors.
- She can'twalkup all those steps, not with herbadleg!
stepnoun(FOOT MOVEMENT)B1[C]theactofliftingonefootand putting it down on a differentpartof theground, such as when youwalkorrun 迈步;脚步Sophietookher first steps when she was elevenmonthsold.索菲11个月大时迈出了第一步。 Heroseto hisfeetandtookacoupleof stepstowardsher.他站起身来,朝她的方向走了几步。 Withevery step, herfeethurther more and more.每走一步,她的双脚就疼得更厉害一些。 Iretracedmy steps,lookingfor mylostkeys.我原路折回,寻找丢失的钥匙。 [C]thedistanceyoucoverwhen you take a step 一步(的距离)I'd only gone a few steps when IrealizedI'dforgottentolockthedoor.我刚向前走了几步就意识到我忘了锁门。 [U]the way youmoveyourfeetwhen you arewalkingorrunning, which can sometimes show how you arefeeling 步态;步伐Shewalkedout of theofficewithaspringinher step(= in a way thatshowedshe washappy).她迈着轻快的步子走出了办公室。 Thedrivertold us tomind/watchourstep(=walkcarefully)as we got off thebus.我们下公交车时,司机提醒我们当心脚下。 [C]aparticularmovementthat you make withyourfeetwhen youdance 舞步She'steachingme somebasicdancesteps.她在教我一些基本的舞步。 in step Whenpeoplewalkin step, theylifttheirfeetoff thegroundand put them down again at the sametime. 齐步,步伐一致Thesoldiersmarchedin step.士兵们齐步前进。 used to say thatopinions,ideas, orwaysoflivingthat are the same as those of otherpeople (意见、观点或生活方式)合拍,协调,一致Televisioncompaniesneed tokeepin stepwithpublicopinion.电视公司需要顺应民意。 out of step When someone is out of step, they do notliftthe samefootand put it down again at the sametimeas otherpeople. 不合节拍,步伐错乱I'm no good atdancing- I always getcompletelyout of step.我不擅长跳舞——总是踩不到点上。 used to say thatopinions,ideas, orwaysoflivingthat are different from those of otherpeople (意见、观点或生活方式)不合拍,不一致,不协调The Republicans are out of stepwiththecountry, Williams said.威廉姆斯说,共和党人和国民的立场格格不入。 Hethinksthat everyone is out of step except him.他认为只有他是对的,其他所有人都是错的。 - He took a stepbackwardstoallowher topass.
- She took a fewfalteringsteps.
- He tookshortmincingsteps.
- Shewalkedslowlywithtotteringsteps.
- Take acoupleof stepsforwards.
stepnoun(MUSIC)[C]thedifferenceinpitchbetween twonotesthat are next to each other in thewesternmusicalscale 音阶 Idiomsa few/couple of steps watchyourstep one step forward, two steps back a step backwards a step forward relatedto someone through a secondmarriage (因再婚形成的亲属关系)继…stepfather继父 stepmother继母 stepchildren继子女 - I have a step-son who is 12.
- My step-daughterrecentlycame tolivewith us.
step| American Dictionarystepverb[I always + adv/prep](MOVE FOOT)toliftonefootand put it down infrontof the otherfoot, as inwalkingorrunning: He stepped to hisleft,pickedup theball, andthrew. We steppedcarefullyalong theslipperypath. Phrasal verbsstep back step down step in step out step up step upsomething stepnoun[C](STAGE)The first step infixingourhouseis to put on a newroof. Let’s make thesechangescarefully, a step at atime. stepnoun[C](ACTION)oneactionin aseries, taken for aparticularpurpose: As a first step, bothsidesagreedto a cease-fire. stepnoun[C](FLAT SURFACE)aflatsurfaceon which you putyourfootwhen going up or down from onelevelto another: Mom took apictureof ussittingon thefrontsteps of thehouse. stepnoun[C](MUSIC)(alsotone)thelargestdifferenceinsoundbetween twonotesnext to each other in amusicalscale(=seriesofnotes): Tones in ascalearearrangedin steps andhalfsteps. stepnoun[C](MOVE FOOT)theactofliftingonefootand putting it down infrontof the otherfoot, as inwalkingorrunning: He took acoupleof steps into theroom. A step is thedistancecoveredby one step: I’d only gone about three steps before Ifell. A step is also thesoundof making such amovement: Iheardmy father’s step on thestairs. A step is also aparticularmovementthat you make withyourfeetwhen youdance: I’vefinallylearnedsomedancesteps. in step withsomeone If youmovein step with someone , youmoveyourfeetat the sametimeand in the same way: Threeangrywomenmarchedin step down thehall. Idiomin step withsomeone/something (Definition ofstepfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)step into the breach to do someone else'sworkwhen they areunableto do it: Bill'sillnessmeantthat Kathy had to step into thebreach. step on itinformal used totellsomeone todrivefasteror tohurry: Could you step on it? I'm late. If wewantto get theseordersout ontime, we're going to have to step on it. step out of line tobehavein a way that isunacceptableor notexpected: If he steps out ofline, he could befired. Phrasal verbsstep aside/down step forward step in step into sth step sth up the first/next stepWhat's the first step in theprogramme? Following thesuccessofourproductsinEurope, thelogicalnext step is tomoveinto the Americanmarket. a step ahead/behindWe have tostaya stepaheadofourcompetitors. anactiontaken for aparticularpurpose: take steps to do sthWe need to takedrasticsteps toreducepollution. in step havingopinionsorideasthat are the same as those of otherpeople: keep/stay in step with sth/sbTelevisioncompaniesneed tokeepin step withpublicopinion. out of step havingopinionsorideasthat are different from those of otherpeople: out of step with sth/sbOursupervisorseemsto be out of step with therestofmanagement. a/one step at a time If we do this one step at atimewe won't make anymistakes. step by step dealingwith one thing and then another thing in afixedorder: Don'tworry- I'll go through theprocedurewith you step by step. She gave medetailedstep-by-stepinstructions. a step forward/in the right direction animprovementorpositivedevelopment: This may not be acompletesolution, but it's a stepforward. Mostpeoplebelievethat thedecisiontocutinterestrateswas a step in therightdirection. (Definition ofstepfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofstepstep These steps are here termed transportational cyclic steps, in order to distinguish them from the purely erosional cyclic steps considered below.From theCambridge English Corpus Subsequentstepsizes approximately halved the difference between the prior two reversals or starting points.From theCambridge English Corpus The value of is reduced by 1% at eachstepafter the sample is allowed to reach equilibrium.From theCambridge English Corpus This information is, however, often requested in the nextstepof market introduction, the pricing and reimbursement process.From theCambridge English Corpus In the preparatory phase, the firststepis to process a random vertex of type (0, 0).From theCambridge English Corpus In the present description, it is not possible to divide into steps these "consecutive" effects, as in the usual treatments of the radiation back-reaction.From theCambridge English Corpus Because there is a relatively small extant literature on precocious talkers, we took the preliminarystepof verifying parent-reported precocity.From theCambridge English Corpus At this critical juncture government was still reluctant to get involved but private initiative stepped in and took the lead.From theCambridge English Corpus In a secondstep, codification tables were created and material was organized according to these themes.From theCambridge English Corpus For the purificationstep, a large number of systems that used agarose were commercially available.From theCambridge English Corpus If the landmark contains symbolic information, the nextstepis reading its contents.From theCambridge English Corpus The method then needs to use a new corpus provided by the user and different from the corpus used in the previousstep.From theCambridge English Corpus The model presented here represents a first, basicstepin considering the acceleration of protons by fast electrons inside solid targets.From theCambridge English Corpus I am going to try to take some first steps toward this goal in this article.From theCambridge English Corpus We assume this fixed scale of uniform steps in affinity for mathematical convenience.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/step## |