uk/stɪk/us/stɪk/sticknoun(THIN PIECE)
athinpieceofwoodor othermaterial:
枝条;木条,木棍Theoldman wascarryingaloadof sticks.那个老人抱着一捆树枝。
Policesaid that thechildhad beenbeatenwith a stick.警方说那个孩子被人用木棍打了。
Find somedrysticks and we'll make acampfire.找些干树枝,我们来点堆篝火。
Alollipopis asweeton a stick.棒棒糖是一团裹在小棍上的糖。

rimglow/iStock/Getty Image Plus/GettyImages
along,thinwoodenpolethatespeciallyoldorinjuredpeopleuse tohelpthemwalk:
At 84 he's stillquiteactive,althoughhewalkswith theaidof a stick.他84岁了,虽然走路需要拄着拐杖,可仍旧非常硬朗。

along,thinpieceofwoodused inplayingvarioussports:

Adam Burn/GettyImages
along,thinpieceof something:
a stick ofcelery/rhubarb/chewinggum/chalk/dynamite一根芹菜/一棵大黄/一片口香糖/一根粉笔/一根雷管
acarwith astickshift:
手动汽车Do youdrivea stick?你开手动车吗?
stick of furniture
一件家具When they gotmarried, they didn't have a stickoffurniture.他们结婚时,一件家具都没有。
take a stick tosomeone/something
tohitsomeone or something with along,thinpieceofwood:
用木棍打,对…棍棒相向He said that when he was aboy, hisfatherused to take a stick to him topunishhim.他说他小的时候,他爸爸经常用棍子惩罚他。
- abundleof sticks
- We go to theparkand Ithrowsticks for thedogtorunandpickup.
- Hemanagedto fend off hisattackerswith a stick.
- The lasttimeIsawRachel she washobblingaround with a stick.
- Theballdeflectedoff myhockeystick,straightinto thegoal.
Poles, rods, shafts and sticks
- bar
- bargepole
- baton
- billy club
- boathook
- bollard
- lathi-charge
- lightning conductor
- litter grabber
- litter pick
- litter picker
- mast
- pointer
- shaft
- stake
- telegraph pole
- telephone pole
- tent pole
- totem pole
- trash grabber
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Patterns and shapes
Hitting and beating
指责,苛责;批评I reallygot/tookstick from mybossabout being late forworkagain.我因为上班又迟到了,被老板狠狠数落了一通。
Wegavehim some stick forwearingthatsillyhat.他戴着那顶愚蠢透顶的帽子,被我们批评了一通。
Disapproving & criticizing
- anathematize
- animadversion
- aspersion
- assail
- aw
- backbite
- boo
- criticism
- deprecate
- dim
- niggle
- nitpick
- opprobrious
- peanut gallery
- people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stonesidiom
- personalization
- personalize
- philippic
- sarky
- tear
the sticks[plural]informaldisapproving
anareain thecountrysidethat isfarfrom atownorcity:
偏僻乡村,偏远地区I'msickoflivinginthe sticks.我受够了偏僻乡村的生活。
Theyliveout inthe stickssomewhere.他们住在某个偏远的地方。
Towns & regions: the countryside
- backcountry
- bucolic
- countrified
- country
- countryside
- countrywoman
- cross-country
- hick
- hillbilly
- land
- non-urban
- out-of-town
- redneck
- rural
- rustic
- rusticity
- the backwoods
- the boondocks
- upstate
- wild
a stick to beatsomeonewith
get the short end of the stick
have a stick up your arse
sticks and stones may break my bones, (but words can never hurt me)
up sticks
tocausesomething tobecomefixed, forexamplewithglueor anothersimilarsubstance:
粘住,粘贴;固定住Itriedto stick thepiecestogether with someglue/tape.我想用胶水/胶带把这些部件粘到一起。
He stuckupanannouncementon theboardwithpins.他用大头针把告示钉在布告板上。
Thisgluewon't stick.这种胶水粘不牢。
My car's stuckinthemud.我的车陷在泥里了。
Stir thesauceso that it doesn't sticktothepan.不断搅拌酱汁,以免粘锅。
Mybookgotwetand all thepageshave stucktogether.我的书湿了,书页都粘在一起了。
See also
If anamesticks, itcontinuesto be used:
(名字)继续使用的,保持不变的Although hernameis Clare, her littlesistercalled her Lali, andsomehowthenamestuck.虽然她的名字是克莱尔,她的妹妹却叫她拉莉,不知怎么的,这个名字就叫开了。
- Shelickedthestampsand stuck them on theparcel.
- I stuck a 50pstampon theenvelope.
- Helga stuck herpostersup withBlu-Tack.
- I stuck thenoticeup on theboard.
- Thegluehad set and myhandwas stuckfast.
Glues, gluing & stickiness
- adhere
- adherent
- adhesion
- adhesive
- binder
- Blu-Tack
- gloop
- gloopy
- glue
- glue gun
- glue stick
- gum
- gummy
- plaster
- propanone
- putty
- Scotch tape
- sliminess
- slimy
- tacky
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Continue & last
to put somethingsomewhere,especiallyin a not verycarefulway:
(尤指随意)放置,放"Where shall I put thesebooks?" "Oh, just stick them on thetablefor now."“我该把这些书放在哪儿?"“噢,就先放在桌子上吧。"
She stuck herfingersin herearsso that she couldn'thearthenoise.她用手指塞住耳朵,这样就听不到那些噪音了。
I'llpayforlunch- I can stick it on myexpenses.午餐我来请客——我可以把它算入报销费用。
[Tusually+ adv/prep]offensive
If youtellsomeone to stick something or where they can stick something, itmeansthat you do notwanttokeepthat thing:
不想接受"I've had enough ofworkinghere," she said, "You can stickyourjob!"“我这儿要干的事已经够多了,"她说,“你的活儿自己留着吧!"
- I'll just stick mybagdown.
- Just stickyourbagunder thetable.
- I stuck myjacketover the back of mychair.
- I didn'tknowwhat to do with these so I stuck themoutsidefor now.
- I stuck them in thefridgeandleftthem there.
Placing and positioning an object
- -based
- appose
- around
- changesomethingaround
- circle
- consign
- fit
- install
- lie
- pile(something)up
- plant
- redeposit
- reinstall
- reinstallation
- relocate
- reorientate
- spread
- superimpose
- transpose
- transposition
stickverb(PUSH INTO)
B2[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
topushapointedobjectinto or through something, or (of apointedobject) to bepushedinto or through something andstaythere:
(把)(尖物)刺进,插进;戳She stuck theneedleintomyarm.她把针头扎进我的胳膊。
Wedecidedwhere to go forourholidaybyclosingoureyesand sticking apininthemap.我们闭上眼睛,用大头针往地图上插,这样决定了去哪里度假。
Themetalspringswere stickingthroughthemattress.金属弹簧穿透垫子露了出来。
Inserting and forcing things into other things
- bed
- cram
- dig
- dig(something)intosomeone/something
- embed
- embedded
- gouge
- gouging
- insertion
- inset
- interlace
- interpolation
- interposition
- lodge
- reinsert
- reinsertion
- rethread
- shoehorn
- squash
- stuck
stickverb(NOT CONTINUE)
In somecardgames, if you stick, you say that you do notwantto be given any morecards.
(牌戏中)不再要牌Card games
- all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- pass
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
tobearoracceptsomething or someoneunpleasant:
容忍,忍受I don'tthinkI can stick thisjobadaylonger.我认为这份工作我一天也忍受不下去了。
[+ -ing verb]I don'tknowhow you can stick livingin thisplace.我不知道你住在这样的地方怎么能受得了。
Tolerating and enduring
- bear
- bear withsomeone
- bearable
- bide
- come to terms withsomethingidiom
- endurable
- philosophically
- resignyourselftosomething
- resignedly
- ridesomethingout
- rough
- sit
- sitsomethingout
- stand forsomething
- struggle
- sweat it outidiom
- wait
- waitsomethingout
- weather the stormidiom
- withstand
stick insomeone'smind/head/memory
stick insomeone'sthroat
stick insomeone'scraw
stick tosomeonelike glue
stick tosomeone'sribs
Phrasal verbs
stick around
stick atsomething
stick bysomething/someone
stick out
stick it out
stick out forsomething
stick tosomething
stick together
stick up
stick up forsomething/someone
stick withsomething/someone