string lights
USuk/ˈstrɪŋ ˌlaɪts/us/ˈstrɪŋ ˌlaɪts/(alsofairy string lights);(UKfairy lights)smallelectriclightson awire,string, orcableused asdecoration, forexampleontreesatChristmas:
(装饰用的)串灯,绳灯We need somestringlightsfor thepatio.我们需要在庭院里装一些串灯。
Iboughta newdecorationtoday at Pottery Barn - paper-lanternstyleHalloweenstringlights.今天我在Pottery Barn买了一个新的装饰品——纸灯笼式的万圣节串灯。

Dorling Kindersley/GettyImages
- If all UShouseholdsconvertedtoLEDholidaystringlights, it wouldsaveenoughenergytolight417,000homesannually.
- Theatmosphereischarming, withstringlightsand abreathtakingviewof the Chrysler Building.
- Some of the mostpopularyarddecorationsare jack-o'-lanterns,scarecrows,witches,orangestringlights, andinflatablespiders.
- Thesecoloredfairystringlightsaregreatforcenterpieces,tabletopdisplays, andbranches.
Lighting & light fittings in the home
- bulb
- candelabra
- candle
- candlestick
- candlewick
- chandelier
- halogen lamp
- head torch
- headlamp
- hurricane lamp
- lamp
- nightlight
- penlight
- rope light
- SAD lamp
- searchlight
- unlit
- uplighter
- votive candle
- wick