astripon thesurfaceof something that is a differentcolourfrom thesurroundingsurface:
条纹,斑纹Thezebrais awildAfricanhorsewithblackandwhitestripes.斑马是一种身体上有黑白条纹的非洲野马。

Krisztián Fodi/EyeEm/GettyImages
- There are acoupleoffishwithbluemarkings, and a few more withgoldstripes down theside.
- She waswearingadresswhich hadverticalstripes on it.
- Thebookhas adiagonalblackstripe on thecover.
- Iweara lot of stripes.
- Ichosethefabricwith stripes.
Patterns and shapes
- amorphous
- arabesque
- argyle
- asymmetrically
- asymmetry
- bossy
- cutout
- filigree
- fishhook
- flecked
- flowery
- formless
- fretted
- herringbone
- oblong
- shapeless
- shapelessly
- shapelessness
- sigmoid
- snow angel
stripenoun[C](ON UNIFORM)
astripofmaterialthat issewnonto thearmorshoulderof amilitaryuniformto show therankof thepersonwearingit:
By theageof 25 he'd alreadyearnedhis third stripe andbecomeasergeant.25岁时他为自己的军服添上了第3道军阶条,成为一名中士。

yoh4nn/iStock/Getty Image Plus/GettyImages
Bands, straps and strips
- armband
- band
- bar
- binding
- blindfold
- braid
- collar
- dog collar
- duct tape
- gag
- loom bands
- masking tape
- raffia
- riband
- ribbon
- straight edge
- strap
- streamer
- sweatband
- thong
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Specific signs and symbols
of every stripe/of all stripes