stirrup pants
USuk/ˈstɪr.əp ˌpænts/us/ˈstɪr.əp ˌpænts/(UKski pants)trousers, usually for women, that are made from amaterialthatstretcheseasilyand areheldinplaceby astrapwornunder eachfoot:
(女式)弹力紧身踏脚裤Thestirruppantsfither ascomfortablyas a set ofoldsweats.这条弹力紧身踏脚裤,她穿着就像旧汗衫一样舒适。
Howlikelyis it that you'reevergoing towearthatpairofstirruppantsagain?你再穿一次那条弹力紧身踏脚裤的可能性有多大?

- Finally, a use for thoseoldleopard-printstirruppants!
- There wereshapelessjerseyandcottontunicsinivoryandwhite,thrownoverstirruppants.
- Irememberlegwarmers withstirruppantsthe firsttimetheyshowedup.
- bell-bottomed
- bell-bottoms
- Bermuda shorts
- blue jeans
- bootcuts
- cycling shorts
- daisy dukes
- denim
- drainpipe
- dress pants
- kecks
- knickerbockers
- knickers
- lederhosen
- leggings
- skort
- stride
- tracksuit bottoms
- trews
- trousers