to behurt,damaged, ordestroyedbyfireorextremeheat, or tocausethis tohappen:
(把…)烧坏;(使)烧伤;(使)烧毁;(使)晒伤;(使)烫伤He wasbadlyburned in theblaze.他在大火中严重烧伤。
She burned hisoldloveletters.她烧掉了他的旧日情书。
Unable toescape, sixpeoplewere burnedalive/burnedtodeath(=diedby burning)in thebuilding.由于未能逃脱,有6个人在大楼里被活活烧死。
to make fire or damage with fire
- burnThe fire was still burning after 24 hours.
- burn (fuel)The car burns biofuel.
- burnShe burned his diaries to stop the information from becoming public.
- blazeBush fires blazed across the county.
- smoulderUKThe fire smouldered and soon went out.
- scorchThe sun had scorched the grass and turned it brown.
todamagefoodbycookingit for toolongor with too muchheat, or to bedamagedin this way:
I've burnt thesausages.
If thetopof thecakestartsto burn,coverit withfoil.
Is something burning in thekitchen?
to burn food
- burnI burned the toast.
- burn to a crispThe sausages were burned to a crisp.
- charI'll have the pasta with charred Mediterranean vegetables.
- searThe steak is seared to seal the flavour.
- overcookI've overcooked the sprouts.
- burntI was served burnt toast.
If thesunburns you or if you burn,yourskinbecomesredanddamagedbecause of the sun'sheat. :
Usesuncreamor you'll burn.
I've burned thetopsof myshoulders.
[Talways passive]
tocauseemotionalpainordamageto someone
给…造成感情伤害burnsomeoneat the stake
tokillsomeone bytyingthepersonto apostand burning them:
对…处以火刑Herefusedtoconvertand was burned at thestake.
burn(something)to the ground
彻底烧毁Thebuildingwas burned to thegroundtenyearsago.这幢建筑10年前被烧毁了。
burnsomethingto a crisp
to burn somethingbadlyso that it isblackand verydry:
Iforgotabout thelasagneand it was burned to acrisp.
- Sherippedup hislettersand burned thepieces.
- Wecartedall therubbishto thebottomof thegardenand burned it.
- Afiercefireis stillragingthrough theforest, burning everything initspath.
- She had aredmarkon herarmwhere she'd burned herself.
- If theanimalshavediedfrom anotifiabledisease,theirbodiesmust be burned.
Burning, burnt & on fire
- ablaze
- afire
- alight
- blaze
- burn(something)down
- burn sb up
- burned out
- burnt
- burnt offering
- burnt out
- carbonize
- char
- charred
- consume
- flame
- inextinguishable
- scorch
- scorched
- self-immolation
- unlit
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Preparing food using heat
Damaging and spoiling
Skin complaints & blemishes
Injuring and injuries
Making people sad, shocked and upset
to be onfire, or toproduceflames:
着火;烧着;燃烧Thewoodwaswetand would not burn.木头湿了,烧不着。
Helplessly wewatchedourhouseburning.我们无助地看着房子在燃烧。
Afirewas burningbrightlyin thefireplace.壁炉里火烧得正旺。
to make fire or damage with fire
- burnThe fire was still burning after 24 hours.
- burn (fuel)The car burns biofuel.
- burnShe burned his diaries to stop the information from becoming public.
- blazeBush fires blazed across the county.
- smoulderUKThe fire smouldered and soon went out.
- scorchThe sun had scorched the grass and turned it brown.
- Abrightfirewas burning in thehearth.
- Webankedup thefiretokeepit burning allnight.
- Can yousmellsomething burning?
- Thisfabricburns veryeasily, sokeepit well away fromheat.
- Thefireburned for eighthoursbefore thefirecrewscouldsubdueit.
Burning, burnt & on fire
- ablaze
- afire
- alight
- blaze
- burn(something)down
- burn sb up
- burned out
- burnt
- burnt offering
- burnt out
- carbonize
- char
- charred
- consume
- flame
- inextinguishable
- scorch
- scorched
- self-immolation
- unlit
burnverb(USE ENERGY)
to use something such asfuelorenergy:
Therefrigeratedtrucksthatcarrytheproduceburn a lot offossilfuel.
Racers can burn 10,000caloriesandlosetwogallonsofsweatwhilecompeting.
to make fire or damage with fire
- burnThe fire was still burning after 24 hours.
- burn (fuel)The car burns biofuel.
- burnShe burned his diaries to stop the information from becoming public.
- blazeBush fires blazed across the county.
- smoulderUKThe fire smouldered and soon went out.
- scorchThe sun had scorched the grass and turned it brown.
- Most of thefuelwe are burning is usedvegetableoil.
- The moredragon acar, the moreenergyitneedstomoveand the morefuelit burns.
- Checkyourpulseandtrackthecaloriesyou're burning with this watchlikedevice.
- Whenathletestrain, theytrainhard and burn a lot ofenergy.
Effort and expending energy
- assiduity
- assiduous
- assiduously
- assiduousness
- be running on emptyidiom
- blood
- elbow grease
- fight
- hamster wheel
- hard at itidiom
- heavy lifting
- heroically
- kill
- push
- putsomethingin/putsomethingintosomething
- rearguard action
- set/putyourmind tosomethingidiom
- shot
- slog
- slugger
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Physics: energy, force & power
发光Isawalightburning in herwindow.我看见了她窗口的灯光。
Giving out light
- afire
- albedo
- beam
- bioluminescence
- burnished
- candlelit
- flicker
- gleam
- glimmer
- glitter
- glow
- illuminate
- noctilucent
- non-glare
- non-luminous
- out-glitter
- pearlescence
- reflected ray
- shine
- wink
burnverb(FEEL HOT)
Ifyourfaceorskinburns or if something burns it, itfeelsveryhot:
He was burningwithanger.
Thebrandyburned mythroat.
Hot & heat
- bake
- baking
- beat down
- blistering
- boiling
- broiling
- fuggy
- glow
- haze over
- heat haze
- heated
- heatwave
- oppressive
- red-hot
- scorching
- sizzle
- stuffy
- swelter
- ultra-hot
- white heat
[+ to infinitive]
towantto do something very much:
迫不及待地想做…;渴望She was burning totellus hernews.她迫不及待想把她的消息告诉我们。
Wanting things
- ache forsomething
- acquisitive
- ambitious
- ambitiously
- angle
- angle forsomething
- desperate
- fancy
- hanker after/forsomething
- haveyoureye onsomethingidiom
- hunger
- hunger after/forsomething
- pine
- setyourheart onsomething/doing somethingidiom
- setyoursights onsomethingidiom
- shook
- sight
- someone'sheart's desireidiom
- straw
- super-ambitious
tocopyinformation,recordedmusic,images, etc. onto a CD:
Copying and copies
- anti-counterfeiting
- anti-piracy
- ape
- biomimicry
- blueprint
- bootleg
- derivative
- facsimile
- imaging
- imitate
- imitation
- imitative
- imitator
- mail merge
- pirate
- pirated
- plagiarism
- plagiarize
- recopy
- reproduce
burn a hole insomeone'spocket
burn the candle at both ends
burn the midnight oil
get/haveyourfingers burned
Phrasal verbs
burn out
burn (yourself) out
burn sb up
burn up
burn up withsomething
burn withsomething
烧伤(的痕迹);烫伤(的痕迹)Onerescueworkercaughtin theexplosionsustainedsevereburns.一名营救人员在爆炸中身上多处严重烧伤。
Inoticedacigaretteburn in thecarpet.我注意到地毯上有烟头烫出的痕迹。
See also
damage to the body
- injuryHe was treated for minor injuries.
- woundMost of the casualties had gunshot wounds.
- cutHe walked away from the car crash with only cuts and bruises.
- gashHe was bleeding profusely from a deep gash in his leg.
- scratchShe had little scratches all over her arms.
- lacerationA doctor's report said the laceration had cut the jugular vein.
Burning, burnt & on fire
- ablaze
- afire
- alight
- blaze
- burn(something)down
- burn sb up
- burned out
- burnt
- burnt offering
- burnt out
- carbonize
- char
- charred
- consume
- flame
- inextinguishable
- scorch
- scorched
- self-immolation
- unlit
Scottish English
Milton Cogheil/EyeEm/GettyImages
Watercourses & waterfalls
- amazon
- arroyo
- beck
- bourne
- brook
- cascade
- cataract
- Euphrates
- fluvial
- fordable
- gulch
- maelstrom
- plunge pool
- rapids
- rill
- riverbed
- riverine
- runnel
- waterfall
- waterway
aninsultorcriticism, usually acleverandfunnyone:
(带幽默的嘲讽用语。)真惨!糗大了!She said you were toooldfor her? Ooh, burn!她说你对她来说太老了?噢,糗大了!
Linguistics: intensifying expressions
- all the wayidiom
- annoy, frighten, scare, etc. the hell out ofsomeoneidiom
- anything
- as... as anythingidiom
- at leastidiom
- bare
- blank
- dear
- end of storyidiom
- load
- long
- more thanidiom
- on steroidsidiom
- pestilential
- price
- pure
- Sam Hill
- the shit out ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- to say the leastidiom
- ton
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Informal words for bad