US(alsostop light)uk/ˈstɒp.laɪt/us/ˈstɑːp.laɪt/(alsotraffic light)one of a set ofred,yellow, andgreenlightsthatcontrolthemovementofvehicles, usually at apointwhere two or moreroadsjoin:
Turnnorthat the stoplight ontoRoute100.
We werewaitingat a stoplight when someonerear-endedus.

- In anarealargerthan Rhode Island, there are sevenstoplights.
- Acarbombexplodedwhile thevehiclewaswaitingat a stoplight at abusyintersection.
- Thesystemscanalterthefrequencyof stoplightchangestoevenouttrafficflow.
Roads: lights, signs & markings on roads
- amber
- anti-billboard
- Belisha beacon
- billboard
- bollard
- bus lane
- crossing
- lamppost
- milestone
- P, p
- pedestrian crossing
- pelican crossing
- pylon
- reflector
- robot
- stop light
- stop sign
- street furniture
- streetlight
- thoroughfare