anareaon theedgeof alargetownorcitywherepeoplewhoworkin thetownorcityoftenlive:
城郊;近郊住宅区BoxHillis a suburb of Melbourne.博士山属于墨尔本的近郊住宅区。
Wedrovefrommiddle-classsuburbs to a verypoorinner-cityarea.我们从中产阶级的近郊住宅区驱车前往市中心的贫民区。
the suburbs[plural]
theouterareaof atown,ratherthan theshoppingandbusinesscentrein themiddle:
郊区,城外Thecompanydecidedtorelocateto the suburbs because therentwas muchcheaper.公司决定搬到城郊去,因为那里的租金便宜得多。
- aleafysuburb
- amiddle-classsuburb of New York
- It's a suburb of Manchester really - I wouldn'tcallit Manchesterproper.
- Welivein a suburb of London.
- Igrewup in a verymiddle-classsuburb of Birmingham.
Towns & regions: areas in towns & cities
- anti-development
- arrondissement
- backstreet
- backstreets
- borough
- botanic garden
- business park
- council estate
- housing estate
- industrial estate
- marketplace
- on skid rowidiom
- outer ring
- science park
- shantytown
- skid
- slummy
- subdivision
- suburban
- Wimbledon