ableto bereachedoreasilyobtained:
Theresortiseasilyaccessiblebyroad,rail, andair.这个旅游胜地交通便利,坐汽车、火车和飞机都可以到达。
Theproblemwith some of thesedrugsis that they are so very accessible.此类毒品的问题在于其中的一些很容易获取。
ableto beenteredor used by everyone,includingpeoplewho use awheelchair,peoplewho areblind, etc.:
Theyagreedtobuildmoreaffordableand accessiblehousing.
All thetoiletsarefullyaccessible.
Lea Anderson is achoreographerwhobelievesin makingdanceaccessible.作为一个舞蹈编导,利•安德森认为应该使舞蹈通俗易懂。
Covent Garden has made someattemptto makeoperaaccessibletoawiderpublic.考文特花园皇家歌剧院已做出一些努力,以让更多的人来欣赏歌剧。
- Thepenthouselevelis accessible only byprivatelift.
- Manysmallervillagesare only accessible bybus.
- Thelibraryhas alargecollectionofrarebooksaccessible toscholars.
- I got anerrormessagesaying that thedatabasewas notcurrentlyaccessible.
- Allpartsof themuseumare accessible towheelchairs.
- Ifyourrestaurantis not accessible, you willlosenot onlydisabledcustomersbuttheirfriendsandfamilytoo.
- Thebookhassucceededin makingphilosophyaccessible to awideraudience.
- Theannotationofliterarytextsmakes them more accessible.
Available and accessible
- accessibility
- atyourcommandidiom
- availability
- available
- be here forsomeoneidiom
- drop
- nothing
- offer
- on callidiom
- on demandidiom
- on handidiom
- on streamidiom
- on/aboutyourpersonidiom
- release
- season
- unfrozen
- unlock
- unobtainable
- up for grabsidiom
- vacant
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Easy to understand
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