amemberof anindigenousgroupofpeople(=peoplelivingoriginallyin aplaceratherthan coming there fromsomewhereelse)from Mexico:
Guacamoledatesback to the Aztecs, who called it ahuaca-mulli.
He was veryknowledgeableabout the Aztecs and otherancientMexicancultures.
thelanguagespokenby Aztecs:
Aztec or Nahuatl is stillspokenin Mexico by over a millionspeakers.
The word "mole",meaningamixtureorsauce, comes from a word in Aztec forchillisauce.
- The Aztecs werecuriousaboutculturesthat hadprecededthem, such as the Olmec, Toltec and Teotihuacán, and theyconductedarcheologicaldigs.
- Webelievethat the Aztecsdrankchocolatewithchillipeppers, notsugaror anythingsweet.
Names of groups of people who lived in the past
- Anglo-Saxon
- Aryan
- Bactrian
- Celt
- Celtic
- Greco-
- Hebrew
- Hellenistic
- hun
- Indo-European
- Israelite
- native
- neanderthal
- Norman
- Norseman
- Pict
- pie
- roman
- Romano-
- Saxon
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Language names
uk/ˈæz.tek/us/ˈæz.tek/belongingorrelatingto theAztecpeopleortheirlanguage:
Iwanttolearnabout myancestors, the Aztecpeople.
The Aztecreligioninpre-ColumbianMexico wasbasedon thesungodas thesourceoflife.
Thename"avocado" comes from an Aztec word.
the Aztec Empire
- Theexhibitionfeaturesthe mostcomprehensivecollectionof Aztecartandcultureeverassembled.
- Aztecsocialorganizationwashighlycomplex.
- Thestatecapitalwasfoundedfive hundredyearsago as an Aztecgarrison.
- It israretofindsuchabundantarcheologicalevidencein asingleAztecsite.
- Spaniards weredrawnto theareaby Aztecstoriesofgreatmineraldeposits.
Names of groups of people who lived in the past
- Anglo-Saxon
- Aryan
- Bactrian
- Celt
- Celtic
- Greco-
- Hebrew
- Hellenistic
- hun
- Indo-European
- Israelite
- native
- neanderthal
- Norman
- Norseman
- Pict
- pie
- roman
- Romano-
- Saxon
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Language names