asituationin which acompanygetscontrolof anothercompanybybuyingenough ofitsshares:
接管,收购(公司)They wereinvolvedin a takeover lastyear.去年他们参与了一家公司的收购。
make a takeover bid forsomething
totryto getcontrolof something:
竞价收购Thecompanymade a takeoverbidfor one ofitsrivals.这家公司出价竞购一家与其竞争的公司。
- It hasemergedthatsecrettalkshad been going on between the twocompaniesbefore the takeover wasannounced.
- Thebankfoughtoff a takeover by anotherbankrecently.
- The takeoverbattleis between two of America'sindustrial/retailgiants.
- Thecompanyhasdecidednot to go through with the takeover ofitssmallerrival.
- Thecompanyspentmucheffortinavoidingtakeoverbidsfrompredatorycompetitors.
Mergers & acquisitions
- absorb
- acquihire
- acquire
- acquisition
- acquisitive
- amalgamation
- buyout
- conglomerate
- counterattack
- denationalization
- denationalize
- fire sale
- growth-oriented
- hive
- hostile
- non-hostile
- oligopoly
- parent
- parent company
- partnership