uk/tæm/us/tæm/(alsotam o'shanter)
a roundhatwith a roundballofwoolin thecentre, of atypeoriginallyworninScotland:
(帽顶中央有一个装饰性绒球的)苏格兰式无檐圆帽Sheshowedme apictureof aScotsmanwearinga tam.她给我看了一张照片,照片上一个苏格兰人戴着一顶圆帽。

alargewoollenhatdesignedto bewornoverdreadlocks(= ahairstylein which thehairhangsinlongthicktwistedpieces):
(配搭“骇人”长发绺的)大毛线帽He waswearinghis newRastatam.他当时戴着一顶新的拉斯特大毛线帽。

- Scotchbonnetpeppersareso-calledbecause oftheirshape, whichbearsaresemblanceto aScottishtam.
- A manwearinga tam waswavingaUnionJack over thecrowd.
- Helacesup hisboots,pullson avestjacketover hisflannelshirtandplopsawhitetam on hishead.
- Dreadlocks and tams (colourfulknittedhats) areeverywhere.
Hats & scarves
- ascot
- balaclava
- bandana
- baseball cap
- beanie
- cycle helmet
- deerstalker
- dicky bow
- do-rag
- dunce's cap
- kippa
- mask
- millinery
- mitre
- mortarboard
- topper
- toque
- trencher
- trilby
- tuque