uk/ˈtem.peɪ/us/ˈtem.peɪ/afoodthat is high inprotein,originallyfrom Indonesia, made fromsoyabeansthat have beenallowedtofermentand thenshapedintoblocks:
印尼发酵黄豆饼,天贝(也译为丹贝、天培)Tempeh is anothersoyasuperfood. It can be marinated,grilledoraddedtosoup,casserolesorchilli.“天贝”也是一种大豆超级食品,可以腌制、烤制或添加到汤、砂锅或辣椒中食用。

Dani Daniar/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Heatoilin alargeskillet, andsautécubedtempeh and tomatillos for 5 to 8minutes.
- Tempeh, a whole-beansoyfoodthat is high infiberandprotein, has a "meaty"consistencythat manycarnivorescanappreciate.
- For many Indonesians, apieceof tempeh, orfermentedsoyabeancake, is oftentheironlysourceofprotein.
- Tempeh, whichoriginatedin Indonesia, is usuallydeepfriedbefore beingmixedwithspicesandsauces.
Beans & pulses
- aduki
- adzuki
- aquafaba
- azuki
- bean
- cowpea
- dal
- dhal
- fava bean
- flageolet
- lima bean
- mangetout
- marrowfat pea
- mung bean
- natto
- snow pea
- soy
- soya
- soya bean
- split pea