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单词 thesaurus/articles/completely-different

Thesaurus article:completely different

completely different

These words all refer to people or things that are completely different from someone or something else, especially in an extreme way.

The most common adjective for this isopposite.Oppositeis often used withcompletelyfor emphasis, especially in speech.

Their two daughters may look alike, but they are completely opposite to one another.
The Bank of England lowered interest rates to stimulate the economy, but it had the opposite effect.

You can also use the phrasepolar oppositesto refer to people or things that are so different from one another that people think of them on opposite ends of a spectrum.

Love and hate are polar opposites.

Two opposites ofoppositearesameandidentical.

The kids are exactly the same - they like the same food, the same clothes, the same music.
His opinions are identical to his spouse's.

For more opposites ofopposite, see the article atsame.

There many words to describe degrees of difference that are not so extreme. For more words related to difference, see the article atdifferent.

In formal contexts, the wordantitheticalcan be used of two things that are so different from each other that they oppose one another.Antitheticalis usually used of things and not people.

His actions were absolutely antithetical to our code of conduct.
The writer treats politics and religion as antithetical, when in reality they are often intertwined.

In formal contexts, the wordconversecan be used before a noun to talk about things that are the opposite of something else being discussed.

If we ask what a citizen must sacrifice for the good of the nation, we must ask the converse question: what will the nation sacrifice for the good of its citizens?

When talking about the relationship between two things, you can say that they are completely different or moving in opposite directions by using the phrasesinverse proportionorinverse relationshipto describe them.Inverseimplies that the status of the two things described could change in the future.

There is an inverse relationship between the Prime Minister's popularity and the direction of the financial markets.
Their spending is in inverse proportion to their income.

To say that someone or something has an opposite quality to the one you're talking about, you can use the phraseanything butthat quality.

She works 60 hours a week - she's anything but lazy!

In UK English, if two people are completely different from one another, you can say that they arelike chalk and cheese.

UKHe and his younger brother are like chalk and cheese.

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