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单词 thesaurus/articles/having-a-short-distance-from-one-side-to-another

Thesaurus article:having a short distance from one side to another

having a short distance from one side to another

One of the most common words to refer to things that have a short distance from one side to the other, especially compared with the length, isnarrow.Narrowis often used of spaces that you travel on or along, such as paths, streets, hallways, or corridors.

The streets are very narrow here.
The staircase is too narrow to get my dresser up it.
The painting was edged with a narrow band of gold.

Two opposites ofnarrowarewideandbroad.Broadmeans very wide.

The river is too wide to cross safely.
Shops lined the broad avenue.

For more opposites ofnarrow, see the article atwide.

Another common word that can be used sometimes fornarrowisthin.Thinhas many meanings, but when used as a synonym ofnarrow, it refers to things that are very narrow compared to their length.

Cut the pastry into thin strips.
She wore a thin ribbon at her throat.

The opposite ofthinisthick.

There was a thick layer of dust on the shelf.

Something that istaperedortaperingbecomes gradually narrower at one end.

She preferred trousers with a tapered leg.
The table is supported by tapering steel legs.

Things that areattenuatedorelongatedare long and thin. These words are more formal thannarrow.

The painter was known for her lithe, attenuated figures.
The blimp looks like an elongated balloon.
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