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单词 thesaurus/articles/having-no-clear-plan-or-purpose

Thesaurus article:having no clear plan or purpose

having no clear plan or purpose

These words describe people that do not have a clear reason, purpose, or plan, or the actions those people do that show they have no clear reason, purpose, or plan.

One word for this isaimless.Aimlesscan be used to describe a person who does not know what to do because they have no purpose or plan, or the actions that person does that show they do not have a purpose or plan. It is mainly used as a disapproving word.

He was just aimless and confused after being let go from his position.
After some aimless wandering, the group found the mountain trail at last.

If a person does not know what they want to do and they have no clear plan or purpose, you can say that they, or the things they are doing, aredirectionless.Directionlesscan also be used to describe things that should follow a particular plan, or have a particular purpose, but do not.

The party was plagued with weak and directionless leaders who had no clue how to govern.
After his death, I felt utterly lost and directionless.
It’s hardly the players’ fault that the franchise is directionless.
The film looked promising, but it was directionless and uninspiring.

If someone or something ispurposeless, they do not have a clear reason for doing what they do, or it does not have a clear reason for existing.Purposelessis not as common asdirectionless, and it is slightly more disapproving thandirectionless.

The job left him feeling unfulfiled and purposeless.
No one can understand why the vandals have engaged in such purposeless acts of destruction.

Another way to talk about a person who doesn’t know what they want to do, and has no clear purpose in their life, is to say they areadrift.Adriftis sometimes used with verbs likecut,cast, andset.

His son has just been utterly adrift since leaving university.
When her mother died, she felt suddenly cut adrift from everything important.

A person who has no clear purpose or direction in their life, and feels sad or has no interest in things because of this, can be said to feelempty.

After losing him, I just feel empty inside.
My life is empty without her.

The opposite ofemptyisfull.Fullis usually used to describe how interesting and rewarding a person’s life is when used with this meaning.

She led a long and full life.

If a group or organization has no clear direction because no one seems to be leading it, you can say it isrudderless.

The company was rudderless after the resignation of the CEO.
With the resignation of the Prime Minister and half his cabinet, the government was left completely rudderless.

Desultoryis a formal word that describes things someone does that are done without a plan and without any effort or interest.

We tired of his desultory chatter immediately.
After some desultory flipping through its pages, she tossed the book aside.

Something that is described asidleis done with no clear purpose or reason.

“I heard they’re getting a divorce?” “Oh, come off it: that’s just idle speculation.”
The ultimatum issued by the separatist group was no idle threat – they would carry out attacks if provoked.

For words related to things happening for no reason, see the article atrandom.

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