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单词 thesaurus/articles/strange

Thesaurus article:strange


These words refer to people or things that are different from what is normal in an unusual or unexpected way.

One of the most common words for this isstrange.

She's a strange girl.
Kids say the strangest things.
That's strange - I could have sworn I put my wallet in my handbag.

Other ways of sayingstrangeareodd,bizarre, andweird.Bizarreandweirdare stronger words thanstrangeandodd. They often refer to someone or something that is very strange in a way that is not natural.

I always thought there was something a bit odd about her.
I had a really bizarre dream last night.
His films are so weird that I can barely get through them.

If something is strange because it is not what you usually expect, you can use the adjectivesfunny,peculiar, or, in UK English,curious. These words often refer to things that are unexpected but not in a way that seems unnatural.Peculiarcan refer to things that are different or unexpected in an unpleasant way.

This lemonade tastes funny.
She's got some funny ideas about how medicine works.
The chicken had a peculiar smell.
UKA curious thing happened to me yesterday.

If someone always behaves strangely, you might describe that person aseccentric.Eccentriccan imply that the strange behaviour is humorous or harmless.

The whole family is eccentric.

For more words about things that are not what you expect, see the article atunusual.

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